公寓 在 扎卡基, 萊梅索斯 购买
出售 Omonoia 的公寓,價格為 €138,000 位於利馬索爾 Omonia 地區的新私人公寓住宅區,步行即可到達所有必要的設施,距離 My Mall 和利馬索爾賭場僅一分鐘車程.該綜合體包括 1、2 和 3 臥室公寓,以及 2 間提供私人屋頂露台的頂層公寓。門控安全綜合體 * 豪華入口大堂 * 安全門 * 可視電話進入系統 * 有蓋安全停車場 * 私人儲藏室 * 整個隔熱層(擠壓聚苯乙烯)。* 定制設計的廚房和衣櫃 * 花崗岩檯面 * 石灰華或瓷地板 * 衛生潔具 (Roca) * 混合器和水龍頭 (Grohe) * 加壓水系統 * 管道管道系統 * 太陽能電池板熱水。 餐廳 雙層玻璃窗 休息室 開放式廚房 價格加增值稅 太陽能
A contemporary (off plan) tower with unique design situated in a beautiful residential area of Paphos city centre. This modern apartment development comprises 5 storeys with only 4 apartments on each

This newly completed, bijou, 2 tower condominium of 28 sophisticated apartments is situated near the beachfront road of Limassol, opposite the Cyprus Sailing Federation, behind the Limassol Pearl Buil

This newly completed, bijou, 2 tower condominium of 28 sophisticated apartments is situated near the beachfront road of Limassol, opposite the Cyprus Sailing Federation, behind the Limassol Pearl Buil

This newly completed, bijou, 2 tower condominium of 28 sophisticated apartments is situated near the beachfront road of Limassol, opposite the Cyprus Sailing Federation, behind the Limassol Pearl Buil