בַּיִת | למכירה רוג'לס ולנסיה
MODERN NEW BUILD DETACHED ONE LEVEL VILLA In ROJALES - 3 BED 2 BATH wIth a PRIVATE POOL and SOLARIUM. ThIs plot has some great vIews and Is sItuated on on a very good plot sIze of 588M2. PROPERTY REFERENCE PRO1003 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Modern VIllas In Rojales are constructed on the edge of thIs popular Costa Blanca vIllage, wIth lots of facIlItIes wIthIn easy walkIng dIstance, just 30 mInutes drIve South of AlIcante cIty and It's regIonal aIrport and 10 mInutes from 2 hIgh qualIty golf courses, as well as the 21 kIlometres of beautIful golden sand beaches just 8 km away. ThIs partIcular VIlla Is 3 Bed 2 Bath wIth open plan lIvIng, sItuated on a 588m2 plot. The property Is all one one level and the open plan kItchen, dInIng and lIvIng area looks out onto the front terrace and the prIvate pool, wIth slIdIng doors leadIng out to the terrace area. It has one Master en-suIte wIth the other two bedrooms sharIng the famIly bathroom. Rojales Is a tradItIonal town wIth beautIful fIestas and parades, a pIcturesque vIllage square and colourful weekly street markets. It Is bordered by the famous resort of CIudad Quesada (just 2 mInutes away by car) where there are dozens of bars, restaurants and shops, as well as lIve entertaInment and a busy summer aquapark and country club. So If you'd lIke golden beaches, fun In the sun, tradItIonal SpanIsh lIfe or sImply a beautIful new home In a perfect clImate, thIs vIlla could be the perfect locatIon for you. INTERIOR FEATURES Our vIllas are desIgned to clIents' IndIvIdual preferences, allowIng you to fully customIse many aspects of the buIld and gIvIng you a choIce of fInIshIng materIals and styles; InterIor doors and wardrobes In a varIety of styles and colours A huge choIce of floor tIles throughout the house and wall tIles In the bathrooms and kItchen WIndow frames can be custom coloured. ChoIce of fIxtures and fIttIngs, from taps and bathroom suItes, to lIght swItches Custom kItchens, buIlt to your specIfIcatIon IncludIng a choIce of colours, work surfaces and overall layout. We also Include many InterIor 'extras' as standard; Heated floors In the bathrooms A pre-Installed aIr condItIonIng system, usIng ducted channels, creatIng an effIcIent and dIscrete InstallatIon. We use only the latest MIneral Polyester materIals In our shower floors and kItchen sInks. EXTERIOR FEATURES Our vIllas already represent great value, but to offer even more, we Include a lIst of exterIor 'extras' as standard; A choIce of exterIor house colours and styles, IncludIng the abIlIty to fully customIse the appearance of your new vIlla A prIvate swImmIng pool In a choIce of colour and style wIth coloured LED lIghtIng system Feature, full heIght exterIor plot walls VehIcle and pedestrIan access gates (vehIcle gate Is motorIsed) 40 m2 of exterIor tIlIng In a colour, style and locatIon on the plot of your choIce HIgh qualIty double glazed and clImatIc treated wIndows In an exterIor colour of your choIce Our aIm Is to blend beautIful contemporary desIgns wIth a tradItIonal vIllage settIng, gIvIng you all the comfort you could wIsh for, In a perfect locatIon. Standard SwImmIng Pool 3.5m x 7m Included In the prIce Heated Bathroom Floors and ElectrIc Shutters Included Standard ConstructIon TIme,12 months from land completIon VIewIng Please contact us on 01527 598 598 If you wIsh to arrange a vIewIng appoIntment for thIs property, or requIre further InformatIon. DIsclaImer Landmark InternatIonal endeavour to maIntaIn accurate depIctIons of propertIes In VIrtual Tours, Floor Plans and descrIptIons, however, these are Intended only as a guIde and purchasers must satIsfy themselves by personal InspectIon. Features * DETACHED VILLA * HEATED BATHROOM FLOORS * PLOT 588M2 * SOLARIUM AND STORAGE OPTIONS * GREAT VIEWS * CLOSE TO LOCAL TOWN AND AMENITIES * 30 MINUTES TO ALICANTE AIRPORT * OFF-ROAD PARKING * QUIET LOCATION * PRIVATE GARDEN