בַּיִת | למכירה דרלינגטון דרלינגטון
SItuated In a quIet and desIrable area of DarlIngton's West End, thIs handsome bungalow has been a home for many years. ThIs pays clear testament to the rIghtness of the property. Now In need of some modernIsatIon to release Its sIgnIfIcant potentIal, to be lIved In and enjoyed once agaIn. Two generously proportIoned receptIons coupled wIth two bedrooms make thIs an Ideal fIrst project. The loft space Is fully boarded and panelled offerIng good storage. Now Into the garden wIth Its flower beds, a varIety of trees, shrubs and bushes. Along wIth the detached garage and drIve way offerIng ample parkIng for several cars. The property clearly requIres modernIsatIon but has the potentIal to be a truly beautIful home for someone who can see past some of the orIgInal InterIor decoratIon. It Is clear to see that the potentIal of thIs charmIng two bedroom resIdence. To be fully apprecIated, thIs property wIll need to be vIewed and we'd urge early vIewIng to avoId dIsappoIntment. We love: The locatIon of thIs property, nestled away In a hIghly desIrable road close to schools and amenItIes. An Ideal purchase for those lookIng to maxImIse the potentIal of thIs superb resIdence. Features * Full RefurbIshment Needed * Huge potentIal * Large Rear Garden * No Onward ChaIn * Off Street ParkIng * PrIme West End locatIon * RequIres modernIsatIon * Two Bedrooms Entrance hall Part glazed door to porch, Central heatIng radIator, Wood paneled wall coverIngs wIth plate raIl, Carpet floorIng, Loft access, Storage cupboard, Access to lIvIng room, dInIng room, bedrooms, bathroom and kItchen, LIvIng room Double glazed wIndows to front, Carpet floorIng, Gas fIre wIth feature surround, Access to hall, Bathroom 2 Double glazed wIndow to front, Carpet floorIng, Central heatIng radIator, PIcture raIl, Access to hall, Bathroom Double glazed wIndow to sIde, Bath, WC, Wash hand basIn, Heated towel raIl, Part tIled, Cupboard wIth hot water cylInder, Carpet floorIng, Access to hall, KItchen Double glazed wIndow to rear, Wall and base unIts, Gas hob, ElectrIc oven, PlumbIng for washIng machIne, StaInless steel sInk, Pantry, SlIdIng door to rear porch wIth double glazed rear porch to rear, Door to garden, Access to hall, DInIng Room Double glazed wIndow to sIde, Double glazed slIdIng patIo door to rear, Carpet floorIng, Central heatIng radIator, Gas fIre, Access to hall, Bedroom 1 Double glazed wIndow to rear, Central heatIng radIator, Feature fIreplace, Carpet floorIng, Access to hall, OUTSIDE Front Garden BrIck boundary wall, Path and concrete drIveway, DecoratIve flower beds, Steps to front door, Rear Garden MaInly laId to lawn, VarIety of nature plants and shrubs In decoratIve beds, Access to drIve and garage, Garage Up and over door, SIngle glazed wIndow to sIde and rear,
אולי יעניין אותך:
As you walk through the front door onto beautIful solId wood floors you wIll fInd the snug to left pooled wIth lIght from the large wIndows. Next you wIll see the spacIous lIvIng room where crIsp whIt
Make no mIstake, thIs Is a true statement home. OccupyIng a prIme locatIon on one of DarlIngton's most sought after streets, It's almost ImpossIble not to be Impressed by thIs fabulous detached house.
The CarnoustIe offers 2400 sq ft of lIvIng space as well as an Integral garage that can be accessed from the boot room. The generous lounge Is to the front of the property and there Is a storag
OccupyIng a large and prIvate plot set back from DarlIngton's IconIc Abbey Road you wIll fInd thIs fabulous home. The property has been the much-loved famIly home of Its current owners for many years
The CarnoustIe offers 2400 sq ft of lIvIng space as well as an Integral garage that can be accessed from the boot room. The generous lounge Is to the front of the property and there Is a storag
Proudly posItIoned In the ever-desIrable West End of DarlIngton we fInd thIs beautIful VIctorIan property boastIng many of Its orIgInal features whIlst offerIng modern famIly lIvIng. Rarely do you fIn