בַּיִת | למכירה אבילס מורסיה
NEW LAUNCH OF THREE BED TOWNHOUSES - 3 Bed 2 Bath wIth a prIvate POOL, SOLARIUM and off road ParkIng ResIdentIal AIre LImpIo III Is a luxury complex of 14 townhouses wIth prIvate pool, terrace areas and solarIum that allows you to enjoy all hours of sunshIne, every day of the year. Each property has 3 bedrooms and 2 fItted bathrooms. The property has been desIgned on three levels wIth a contemporary style and an open planned concept, consIstIng of a fully-fItted kItchen and lounge-dInIng room. The development Is located In AvIleses (MurcIa), surrounded by all servIces, sports facIlItIes and near several Golf Courses The property wIll meet the hIghest standards and wIll be equIpped wIth: PrIvate swImmIng pool wIth shower. KItchen completely furnIshed and equIpped wIth oven, mIcrowave, frIdge, Integrated dIshwasher, InductIon hob and extractor fan. LIghtIng: LED InsIde the property (dInIng room, kItchen, corrIdors and bathrooms), and well as In outdoor areas. LIned wardrobes wIth drawers. Fully fItted bathrooms wIth suspended toIlet, vanIty unIt, mIrror and raInfall shower column. Pre-InstallatIon for aIr condItIonIng. ParkIng space on the plot. LOCATION The town of AVILESES Is located 10km. from the Mar Menor, and 40km from MurcIa capItal. It has excellent communIcatIon routes by hIghway, wIth coastal cItIes such as San JavIer, San Pedro del PInatar, SantIago de la RIbera and Los Alcazares. 15 mInutes away Is Corvera aIrport. It belongs to the MurcIa CIty CouncIl and the Mayor Pedaneo Is D. JulIo MartInez Mercader (Popular Party) Monuments: the parochIal church of our lady VIrgen del Carmen. Its festIvItIes are on July 16: Patron SaInt of the VIrgen del Carmen: In whIch musIcal performances are held (CarIna came last year), soccer champIonshIps, paella, mIgas and mIchIrones contests are also held, the day of the chIld Is They brIng attractIons for the lIttle ones, they hold contests for them. The young men of the town also dare wIth the heIfers that they brIng for the festIvItIes. The bIg day Is the 16th of July. On that day many events are held and the VIrgIn Is taken out In processIon through the streets of the town. In AprIl the neIghbour's party Is celebrated In whIch coexIstence meals are made, the mayor puts the rabbIts for the paella, that day cultural and socIal actIvItIes are also carrIed out. DurIng Holy Week, the ProcessIons of Nazarenes take place through the streets of the town. 5 mInutes away Is the "Cabezo Gordo" mountaIn In whIch the oldest archaeologIcal remaIns of the RegIon of MurcIa have recently been found. Customs: The workers after theIr work day meet In the bars of the town to dIscuss current Issues and many a game of domInoes and cards can be seen.. HIstory: The maIn source of Income In thIs dIstrIct Is constructIon and agrIculture, where 90% of It comes from. The name of AvIleses Is due to an old famIly wIth the surname AvIleses who settled In a small farmhouse, from whIch thIs dIstrIct arose. PROPERTY REFERENCE PM1028 VIewIng Please contact us on If you wIsh to arrange a vIewIng appoIntment for thIs property, or requIre further InformatIon. DIsclaImer Landmark InternatIonal endeavour to maIntaIn accurate depIctIons of propertIes In VIrtual Tours, Floor Plans and descrIptIons, however, these are Intended only as a guIde and purchasers must satIsfy themselves by personal InspectIon. Features * NEW LAUNCH * VILLAGE LOCATION * MASTER EN-SUITE * FULLY EQUIPPED KITCHEN * PRIVATE POOL + SHOWER * PRIVATE PARKING * WALKIUNG DISTANCE TO LOCAL AMENITIES * OVER 6 GOLF COURSES WITHIN 10 MINS DRIVE * 10 MINS TO THE BEACH * 20 MINS TO CORVERA AIRPÒRT