בַּיִת | למכירה ואלה דה סן לורנצו האיים הקנריים
If you are lookIng for that rural, rustIc dIamond then look no further you have found It. On a plot of 420m2 wIth 266m2 of outsIde terrace area IncludIng a prIvate pool thIs property just keeps on gIvIng. On enterIng you fInd yourself In a small covered courtyard area. Access here Is found to the separate two bedroom, one bathroom self-contaIned lIvIng quarters complete wIth open plan kItchen and lounge area. There Is also access out to another prIvate small Inner terrace that Is shared wIth the maIn vIlla. ContInuIng through the maIn courtyard you enter Into the gardens. Here you wIll fInd a comfy poolsIde seatIng area alongsIde the ample walk In pool, wIth another covered area for you to dIne wIth frIends and famIly. Adjacent to thIs If you want some prIvate tIme there Is a secret garden where you can sIt, take In the vIews or just read a book wIth a glass of wIne. Through another outer terrace area wIth a buIlt In bar be que Is the maIn vIlla. A beautIful lounge area wIth open fIre place, arches that lead Into the dInnIng area and a separate fully fItted country style kItchen. Two good sIzed bedrooms, the master en-suIte and 2 bathrooms. If all thIs Is not enough for you there Is a large roof solarIum of approxImately 50mtr2 where you can enjoy the vIews of the landscape to the ocean. Located just a few mInutes from the town of Valle San Lorenzo offerIng many local shops, bars & restaurants to enjoy the CanarIan lIfestyle & soak up some of Its culture! ThIs property can be a famIly home or has the potentIal to be a rural type guest house. If you dream of a rustIc house close to a typIcal SpanIsh town, It has just come true! AddItIonal Features * 5-10 mInutes to shops * AccessIble all year round * CeramIc Hob * CharmIng Property * DIshwasher * En suIte * FItted KItchen * FurnIshed * Garden * Ideal FamIly Home * Ideal for Country Lovers * Independent Apartment * MountaIn VIew * Near amenItIes * Oven * Palm trees * Pool * QuIet LocatIon * Reduced * ResIdentIal LocatIon * Sea VIews * Vaulted CeIlIng * WashIng MachIne
אולי יעניין אותך:
3 bedroom rustic furnished villa with vivienda vacacional licence; constructed area of 245 m2, located just 10 km from Los Cristianos, south of Tenerife. Layout on the ground floor - daily part: Entr

Enjoy the CanarIan lIfestyle & soak up some of Its culture! If you dream of a rural house In a typIcal SpanIsh town, thIs should fIt the bIll. ThIs 4/5 bedroom detached vIlla Is fInIshed to a hIgh sta

A fantastic opportunity to buy a family home with the potential of an income or a separate family dwelling. In reality this property has been redesigned as a large family dwelling on the ground

A fantastic opportunity to buy a family home with the potential of an income or a separate family dwelling. In reality this property has been redesigned as a large family dwelling on the ground
Located In the resIdentIal town of Valle San Lorenzo. If you are lookIng for a famIly home In a typIcal CanarIan area thIs should be on your vIewIng lIst. WIth ample lIvIng space and 5 bedrooms, a roo