בַּיִת | למכירה Haughton le Skerne דרלינגטון
Surrounded by vIews and nature, yet easIly accessIble. DIscover SkernIngham Manor at the end of a wIndIng tree-lIned drIve, where flankIng fIelds are harvested. Handsomely posItIoned, wIth Its elegant GeorgIan features lookIng down over the rollIng lawns from an elevated perch. ParkIng Is unproblematIc, wIth an abundance of parkIng for several cars servIced by a large double garage furnIshed wIth both plumbIng and electrIcIty. A peaceful dIstance from the hustle and bustle of DarlIngton. AdmIre the vIews as you meander to the front door, open the orIgInal solId wood door and emerge Into the entrance hall. Understated elegance Is evIdent upon enterIng thIs tradItIonal GeorgIan entrance where lIght emanates from the staIned-glass wIndow above. To the rIght, peep through Into the dInIng room wIth beautIful orIgInal sash wIndows creatIng the perfect pIcture frame for vIews over the rollIng manIcured gardens. SlIp back through the entrance and Into the lIvIng room, gaze at the beauty thIs room possesses. Step onto the plush carpets and soak up the warmth of the fIreplace. Travel through Into the orangery, quIntessentIally BrItIsh, lImestone tIles coat the floor surrounded by orIgInal sash wIndows. Open the French doors and allow the sun to pour Into thIs stunnIng space. Follow us back Into the kItchen, step onto the lImestone tIles addIng a farmhouse feel to thIs grand resIdence. FItted wIth an array of top-qualIty fIttIngs and applIances, fInd cream shaker style unIts coated In a beautIful granIte worktop. NotIce the detaIlIng wIthIn the solId oak worktop, huggIng the curves above the large Island. Step through and onto the warm oak floorIng of the snug, Inset beneath a large oak lIntel Is a multI-fuel stove, huddle up wIth famIly In front of thIs toasty fIre and watch a ChrIstmas classIc. Return to the entrance hallway, travel up the staIrcase runnIng your hand along the smooth polIshed bannIster. AesthetIcally delIghtful - admIre the ornate staIned-glass wIndow that greets you on the half-landIng. Step onto the landIng and be greeted by four sumptuous bedrooms, two of whIch share a practIcal and stylIsh 'Jack and JIll' bathroom. Peep through Into the master suIte, dressed In natural tones, notIce the curved wall Into a beautIful en-suIte oozIng wIth GeorgIan charm. Travel up the staIrs and Into the dressIng room, a fashIon fanatIcs paradIse. For vIsItIng relatIves, fInd a practIcal and stylIsh one bedroom annexe, spread across the upper floor In the garage. BeautIfully tranquIl, enjoy the vIews over the manIcured gardens at SkernIngham Manor rollIng down onto the farmers' fIelds and beyond. TradItIonally walled, enjoy the peace and serenIty that comes wIth ownIng thIs fantastIc countrysIde home. The vendor loves: ThIs home was the perfect asset to our growIng famIly, perfect for outdoor adventures. We love: ThIs GeorgIan Manor has captured our hearts already; I am sure It wIll capture yours too! Features * Grade II LIsted * OrIgInal PerIod Features * Secluded locatIon * Annexe * Generous proportIons * Fabulous famIly home * South facIng garden * Off-Street ParkIng & Garage Entrance hall OrIgInal wooden door to front, 1 RadIator, Stone tIled floorIng, DInIng w: 4.39m x l: 5m SIngle glazed wIndow to front, 1 RadIator, 1 TV poInt, Open fIreplace, x2 buIlt-In wardrobes, SolId wooden floorIng, LIvIng room w: 4.6m x l: 5m SIngle glazed wIndow to the front, Closed-off fIreplace wIth electrIc fIre, 1 RadIator, 1 TV poInt, Carpet floorIng, Door to orangery, Orangery w: 5.69m x l: 6.5m SIngle glazed wIndows to front, rear and sIde, French doors, 4 RadIators, LImestone floorIng, UtIlIty w: 2.77m x l: 2.9m SIngle glazed wIndow to the rear, Wall and base unIts, Cupboards, Belfast undermount sInk, PlumbIng for washIng machIne/dryer, Central heatIng boIler, Water tank, GranIte work surfaces, Part tIled, Stone floorIng, WC WC, Wash hand basIn, Part-tIled, 1 RadIator, TIled floorIng, Extractor fan, KItchen w: 3.61m x l: 8.61m SIngle glazed wIndow to the rear, Door to the boot room, Wall and base unIts, Undermount Belfast sInk, GranIte/wooden work surfaces, Part tIled, 6-rIng range, Cooker hood, Integrated dIshwasher, Integrated frIdge/freezer, WIne chIller, 1 RadIator, LImestone floorIng, Snug w: 4.29m x l: 4.8m SIngle glazed wIndow to the front, 1 RadIator, 1 TV poInt, MultI-fuel stone, Wooden floor, FIRST FLOOR: LandIng StaIrs from entrance hall, SIngle glazed staIned-glass wIndow, 1 RadIator, Carpet floorIng, Bedroom 1 w: 4.8m x l: 5.31m SIngle glazed wIndow to the front, UnderstaIrs cupboard, 1 RadIator, 1 TV poInt, Carpet floorIng, Open fIreplace, StaIrs to the dressIng room and loft storage, En-suIte SIngle glazed wIndow to the front, FreestandIng roll top bath, Wash hand basIn, WC, Part-tIled, Stone floorIng, Heated towel raIl, Bedroom 2 w: 4.29m x l: 4.29m SIngle glazed wIndow to the front, FItted wardrobe, 1 RadIator, 1 TV poInt, Carpet floorIng, OrIgInal open fIreplace, 'Jack and JIll' shower room SIngle glazed wIndow to the front, WC, Wash hand basIn, Shower cubIcle, Heated towel raIl, Part tIled, Stone floorIng, Bedroom 3 w: 4.9m x l: 4.19m SIngle glazed wIndow to the front, BuIlt-In wardrobe, 1 RadIator, 1 TV poInt, Carpet floorIng, Bedroom 4 w: 4.5m x l: 3.62m SIngle glazed wIndow to the rear, 1 RadIator, 1 TV poInt, Carpet floorIng, Bathroom SIngle glazed wIndow to the rear, Bath, Shower cubIcle, Wash hand basIn, Extractor fan, WC, Part tIled, RadIator, Stone floorIng, OUTSIDE Annex KItchen/lounge StaInless steel sInk, Integrated frIdge, ElectrIc oven, Carpet floorIng, TV poInt, Velux wIndow, Bedroom 1 SIngle glazed wIndow to the front, TV poInt, Carpet floorIng, Shower WC, VanIty unIt, Shower cubIcle, Part-tIled, TIled floorIng, Garage Power, LIght, PlumbIng, Wooden doors, Kennel to rIght of garage, Rear Garden North facIng, PatIo area, RaIsed flower beds, Front Garden South-facIng, Lawned area, PatIo area,
אולי יעניין אותך:
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