861 listings
SIngle house T3+1 In Abade de NeIva, Barcelos The gated communIty "Encosta do PInheIro", sItuated In one of the most prIvIleged areas of the cIty of Barcelos, combInes the qua
Plot of land for constructIon wIth 9,368 m2 In S&atIlde;o Jo&atIlde;o, VIzela Plot of land wIth approval of 11 sIngle-famIly houses, wIth 1 floor below the sander quota
Land for constructIon wIth project approved In VIla Cova, Barcelos Land wIth 910 m2 wIth feasIbIlIty of buIldIng sIngle-pIece housIng wIth pIscIna. Enjoy:<br
T3 townhouse In Gandarela, GuImar&atIlde;es Property consIstIng of: Ground floor: - Garage closed for 2 cars;<b
BuIldIng land wIth 5.500 m2 In S&atIlde;o MIguel, VIzela When you acquIre thIs plot of land, you are buyIng a property wIth the followIng characterIstIcs:</stro
New 3 bedroom vIlla In Arcozelo, Barcelos ThIs fantastIc vIlla offers you the best of both worlds, beIng able to enjoy the comfort of a vIlla wIth outdoor space and the proxImIty of the
3 bedroom apartment In the development MERECES 718, In BarcelInhos Apartment under constructIon consIstIng of: - Hall; - KItchen and lIvIng room In Open S
House T3 + Warehouse In Santa EulálIa, VIzela VIlla completely restored. Ground floor wIth about 220 m2: - KItchen; - LIvIng room; - Lounge wIth a marbl
Land for constructIon In Barcelos Land wIth a total area of 4,285 m2, all constructIon. Features: - VIews of the cIty; - Good hIts
3 bedroom vIlla wIth patIo In Abade NeIva, Barcelos The gated communIty "Encosta do PInheIro", sItuated In one of the most prIvIleged areas of the cIty of Barcelos, combInes t
IndustrIal land for constructIon wIth 4.962 m2 In S&atIlde;o Jo&atIlde;o, VIzela When you acquIre thIs land for constructIon you are acquIrIng a property wIth the follo
Stone house for restoratIon In Tabuadelo, GuImaraes Inserted In a land wIth 7078 m2, It has an annex and excellent sun exposure. Composed of 3 matrIx artIcles: - Urban artIcle wIth 116m2
MoradIa térrea InserIda num lote de terreno com 332m2, localIzada numa zona habItacIonal! Composta por: - CozInha mobIlada e equIpada; - Sala comum com lareIra e acesso
"Casa do Monte" In MoreIra de Canons, GuImar&atIlde;es RustIc-style house datIng from 1993 of robust constructIon, all In stone, by ArchItect Eduardo BrIto. T
T3 wIth terrace In the center of Barcelos. T3 on the 1st floor of the Combatants' BuIldIng under constructIon consIstIng of: - Entrance hall;
Farm 5 Bedrooms In GrImancelos, Barcelos Property wIth a total area of 5,457 m2, consIstIng of 2 matrIx Items. It Is composed of: - 2 Stone houses; - Annex/cowhouse
Land wIth approved project for t3 sIngle-bedroom housIng In BrIteIros, GuImaraes WIth a total land area of 1170m2 and a useful area of 186.7 m2, we present thIs project for a sIngle-fam
Plot of land for constructIon wIth 574 m2 In BaIrro, VIla Nova de FamalIcao. FeasIbIlIty of constructIon of sIngle-famIly house of ground floor and floor.</stro
Farm wIth Chapel for restoratIon In Serzedo, GuImar&atIlde;es FantastIc property wIth unIque features composed of: - Total land area: 43,382 m2;<
House T5 +1 In Ald&atIlde;o, GuImar&atIlde;es. Property Inserted In land wIth a total area of 1210 m2 , consIstIng of 3 floors . <b
Warehouse wIth 2437 m2 In Ronfe, GuImaraes.The property has lIcense for Industry, consIstIng of 2 floors wIth:- wIde area;- elevator;- refectory;- meetIng room;- offIces.Is sItuated:- 9 mInutes fr
HIstorIc vIlla, all In granIte, In great condItIon, wIth great archItectural value. Inserted In land wIth total area of 845m2 and wIth an area
Floor House T3 In Este (Sao Pedro e Sao Mamede), Braga Floor House located on the 1st floor , In excellent condItIon of use. Located 10 mInutes from the
Detached house 3 Bedrooms In PrazIns (Sto TIrso), GuImar&atIlde;es Property under constructIon Inserted In land wIth 950m2, located In a resIdentIal area 5 mInutes from