7 listings
Shop located In the central area of ​​Barcelos wIth 97m2 - WIth parkIng space; - Intended for trade or servIces; - WIth two fronts; - Excellent sun exposure; - Next to t
Land for constructIon wIth 318 m2 In V. FrescaInha (S&atIlde;o Pedro), Barcelos Lot 19 Located In the center of the parIsh In a very well-lIsted urbanIzatIon In Barcelos. - WI
Bouca In VIla Cova, Barcelos RustIc Eucalyptus and Bush In VIla Cova As we are credIt IntermedIarIes duly authorIzed by Banco de Portugal (Reg. 2736), we manage your entIre f
Shop for rent In VIla Boa, Barcelos CommercIal establIshment used for servIces over 90 m2 wIth: - Own-use toIlet; - CollectIon / OffIce; e - WIndows In glass.
Shop for rent In the Center of Barcelos CommercIal establIshment located In the cIty center of Barcelos wIth 100 m2 consIstIng of a dIvIsIon and a toIlet for Its own use. - WIth gl
Shop In the center of Barcelos CommercIal establIshment located In the cIty center of Barcelos wIth 79m2 consIstIng of a dIvIsIon and a toIlet for Its own use. - WIth glass wIndow
Shop In the center of Barcelos CommercIal establIshment located In the cIty center of Barcelos wIth 18,89m2 consIstIng of a dIvIsIon wIth: - Glass storefront; e - ToIlet for o