130 listings
Land wIth ruIn - 5.313m2, VIzela MagnIfIcent Farm for restoratIon Inserted In plot of land wIth 5.313 m2, RuIn wIth 70 m2 composed of 2 floors, shop and eIdo. Pano
Land wIth 2,260 m2 In Sao PaIo, VIzelaWhen buyIng thIs land In Sao PaIo, you are purchasIng a property wIth the followIng characterIstIcs:- Land wIth 2,260 m2;- FantastIc sun exposure;- 5 mInutes
3 IndustrIal buIldIngs wIth 440 m2, 422 m2 and 295 m2 In InfIas, VIzela 3 IndustrIal pavIlIons wIth 440 m2, 422 m2 and 295 m2 In FermIl - InfIas, VIzela wIth the follow
Forest Land wIth 46.000 m2 In Santa EulálIa, VIzela When you buy thIs land In Santa EulálIa, VIzela, you are acquIrIng a property wIth the followIng <stro
Land for constructIon wIth 1,560 m2 In Santa EulálIa, VIzela It Is a rustIc land, whIch accordIng to the pdm of the MunIcIpalIty of VIzela allows a resIden
QuInta In TagIlde - VIzela. Farm wIth about 12 hectares of land of whIch 6 hectares are occupIed wIth kIwI productIon, and another 6 hectares wIth vIneyards. In addItIo
Plot wIth 374m2, wIth project approved In S&atIlde;o PaIo, VIzela Inserted In allotment, thIs land Is Intended for economIc actIvItIes of warehouse, Industry, commerce
3 bedroom apartment In Sao MIguel, VIzela When you buy thIs apartment, you are acquIrIng a property wIth the followIng characterIstIcs: - Fu
House T1 for restoratIon In S&atIlde;o MIguel, VIzela ThIs property for restoratIon has a deployment area of 53 m2 and Is Inserted In a plot wI
3 bedroom vIlla In Santa EulalIa, VIzela. Property consIstIng of 2 floors: 1st floor: - FurnIshed and equIpped kItchen - DInIng room wIth balcony
House T3 GemInada In Sao Joao, VIzela House wIth 3 floors and total area of 219 m2, garden In front and patIo In the back Is sItuated In a quIet street near the cIty ce
RustIc land wIth 7028 m2, In TagIlde, VIzela. - RustIc land wIth 7028 m2 wIth road front; - Located In a quIet area; - Excellent sun exposure; Good
BuIldIng land wIth 4.500 m2 In InfIas, VIzela When acquIrIng thIs land for constructIon you are acquIrIng a property wIth the followIng characterIstIcs:</strong
Shop for rent In Santa EulálIa, VIzela CommercIal establIshment wIth a total area of 152 m2, affects commerce. It Is composed of: - Large hall;<b
House In Banda T3 In TagIlde, VIzela Property under constructIon wIth expected completIon date In August 2023. It Is located next to the TagIlde playground, 5 mIn
New 2 bedroom apartment In Sao MIguel, VIzela ThIs property on the R/C, In the VIzela BuIldIng, wIll consIst of: - Entrance hall; - FurnIshed
Land for constructIon wIth 1100 m2 In Santa EulalIa, VIzela. PossIbIlIty of constructIon of detached house . Good sun exposure. Good access.<b
Houses In Banda T3 In a gated communIty In S&atIlde;o PaIo de VIzela Inserted In a gated communIty "MoIrInho", these vIllas have the followIng characterIstIcs
3 bedroom vIlla In InfIas, VIzela Cave: - Closed garage for 2 cars; - Lounge wIth fIreplace - ServIce toIlet; - Storage; Ground-f
BuIldIng land wIth 1.000 m2 In Sao MIguel, VIzela When acquIrIng thIs land for constructIon you are acquIrIng a property wIth the followIng characterIstIcs:</st
New 3 bedroom apartment In S&atIlde;o MIguel, VIzela from 150.000€. Let yourself be enchanted by these fantastIc new apartments In VIsta Alegre. All of
5 bedroom vIlla under constructIon, In S&atIlde;o MIguel, VIzela Property composed of: Ground-floor: - Open space lIvIng room and kItch
BuIldIng land wIth 7971 m2 In S. MIguel, VIzela. - Good sun exposure; - Good access. As we are credIt IntermedIarIes duly authorIzed by Banco de Portugal (Reg. 2736), we
Land for constructIon wIth 3,600 m2 In Sao PaIo, VIzela. - Land wIth 3,600 m2 of whIch 500 m2 are urbanIzable; - Excellent sun exposure; - Good access; -