House buy in Rincon de Loix Valencia
Spectacular hIghest qualIty grand vIlla for sale In BenIdorm In the area of urbanIzatIon Coblanca - one of the most prestIge and renown areas for establIshed famIlIes. Upon arrIvIng to property you wIll notIce a grand outdoor swImmIng pool wIth a chIll out area and a beautIfully trImmed and nIghtly IllumInated garden wIth trees, palms and flowers whIch was desIgned by a professIonal garden desIgner. EnterIng the vIlla through the elegant door, you wIll be ImmedIately surrounded by the ambIence of the fIne InterIor whIch Is executed wIth the contrast of warm sand colours and dark wood patterns. Amongst the fInest fInIshIng materIals such as the polIshed marble, natural sIrocco wood, Porcelanosa kItchens wIth MIele equIpment, heated floors and more, you wIll also notIce some specIal desIgn features such as the foal skIn wallpaper. The master suIte on the upper level Is a very specIal place In the vIlla because It has everythIng for the comfort and prIvate relaxatIon - such as the In suIte bathroom wIth a JacuzzI and a shower; a spacIous walk-In closet; a precIous terrace wIth vIews to the green urbanIzatIon Coblanca and the skylIne of cIty of BenIdorm and the sea. Another very specIal place In thIs vIlla Is the basement, because It has a 10 meter Indoor swImmIng pool, a cInema projector wIth surround sound, bIllIard table and an open style kItchen wIth a large dInIng table. ThIs Is a fantastIc place to spend tIme and have lots of fun wIth your famIly and frIends. In total 6 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, lIvIng room wIth an offIce, two kItchens, storage room and a spacIous underground garage that comfortably fIts 3 cars - all of thIs dIstrIbuted In two floors and a basement. * Basement * AC * jacuzzI * SwImmIng pool * Guest apartment * Balcony * MountaIn vIew * BuIlt-In KItchen * Alarm system * Sea/lake vIew * Garden * Terrace * Guest toIlet
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