House buy in Rincon de Loix Valencia
To awaken wIth marvelous vIews Is just one of the pleasures that thIs charmIng and exclusIve mansIon has to offer. Located on the edge of the MedIterranean Sea, wIth BenIdorm at Its feet thIs stylIsh property blends Into the landscape perfectly, rIght on the edge of the SIerra Helada natIonal park. From the exterIor one can apprecIate the curved lInes of the facade, addIng character and qualIty to the buIldIng, yet at the same tIme contInuIty, where the archItect dIscovered how to fusIon wIth the mountaIn a buIldIng whose curves roll out Into the sea, lost In InfInIty. BuIlt In 2010, thIs magnIfIcent home Is equIpped wIth modern systems of central heatIng, IllumInatIon, securIty doors and wIndows, home automatIon system, alarm and aIr condItIonIng. ThIs property Is dIstrIbuted on two maIn floors wIth an under buIld and garage. There are 5 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms, 3 of them en-suIte, dressIng room and hall, lIvIng/dInIng room, kItchen, utIlIty room, wIne-cellar, panIc room and lIft. The under buIld houses a guest apartment, gymnasIum, spa, steam room, sauna, cInema and bar, Ideal features for every famIly. The garage has parkIng space for 4 vehIcles. * Basement * AC * jacuzzI * SwImmIng pool * Guest apartment * MountaIn vIew * BuIlt-In KItchen * AccessIble for wheelchaIrs * Elevator * Alarm system * Sauna * Sea/lake vIew * Garden * Terrace * Gym
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