Other buy in Florence Tuscany
This hunting estate (azienda agrituristico venatoria) with renovation project spans a total surface of approximately 234.6 hectares (of which 178.0 ha readily usable for hunting, plus 73.0 ha of neighboring reserve with hunting rights), covered almost entirely by woods interrupted by small clearings. Part of the woodland is planted with coppice conifers (another source of income) and a few spots could be converted into grazing land. The woods, given their huge size, are crossed by many roads and paths that allow moving throughout the estate. Animals commonly found and hunted in the estate are boars, hares, deers, ducks and pheasants. The whole reserve can be easily summarized the following way: - HUNTiNG RESERVE: 251.0 hectares (620.2 acres) - Direct ownership: 178.0 hectares (439.8 acres) - Consortium (hunting rights): 73.0 hectares (180.4 acres) - OTHER LAND (direct ownership): 56.0 hectares (138.4 acres) - NEiGHBORiNG RESERVE (negotiable hunting rights): 108.0 hectares (266.9 acres) The acquisition of the estate also comes with hunting rights on the consortium neighboring land (roughly 73.0 ha) and an agreement can be reached for hunting rights over the neighboring farm (for further 108.0 ha). Permission to install signs, and thus make it usable for hunting, is being required and would allow exploiting a good part of the remaining 56.0 hectares for the hunting estate. All things considered, the total surface where one could technically hunt (considering the land directly owned and the neighboring one with hunting rights) spans roughly 359.0 hectares (887.1 acres). The estate is classified as an azienda agrituristico venatoria, quite different from the more commonly found azienda faunistico venatoria: with the latter, hunting is restricted to those periods of the year regulated by the italian laws, with pauses and a total halt in predetermined months of the year. An azienda agrituristico venatoria, on the contrary, being oriented towards tourism, has a specific regime that allows hunting animals all year long, with the introduction inside the estate of an adequate number of specimens to keep their numbers more or less constant. A convenient town is located just 2 km from the hunting ground and is an excellent rendezvous point for hunters to gather before starting the session. Florence is just 40 km away and can be easily reached by car. inside the property there are an ample hunting ground for boars (roughly 25.0 ha, fully fenced) with a small nearby hunting lodge and two lakes, one of which equipped with an aviary for duck hunting. As for the buildings, the estate also includes a ruined farmhouse to be restored (330 sqm - 3,550 sqft) with a barn (110 sqm - 1,184 sqft), both of which could be recovered and used as a small accommodation for tourists and hunters.