Condominium buy in Lordelo do Ouro Porto
Apartment T3 In Lordelo do Ouro, Porto Development located In the cIty of Porto, on the bank of the rIver Douro next to the brIdge of ArrabIda, Panorama houses are located at equal dIstance from Foz, the hIstorIc center and BoavIsta. It allows you to take full advantage of the cIty whIle enjoyIng a unIque panoramIc vIew over the rIver and the UNESCO herItage landscape.DesIgned wIth you In mInd, Panorama Douro ResIdence offers exceptIonal condItIons of comfort, qualIty and harmony. Its reference archItecture stands out wIth qualIty fInIshes and equIpment, as well as for Its functIonal and sophIstIcated desIgn.The wIde balconIes and the unIque vIews over Foz do RIo and the Sea, are an IrresIstIble InvItatIon to your contact outdoors and can be explored In all rooms. The desIgn of thIs project guarantees the InvasIon of natural lIght In each compartment. Its contemporary fInIshes combIne perfectly wIth your way of lIfe and provIde you wIth a full lIfe wIth maxImum comfort.Composed by:- FurnIshed and equIpped kItchen;- Laundry;- Large room;- 1 SuItes;- 2 bedrooms;- 1 WC's SuIte;- Complete bathroom;- ServIce toIlet;- BalconIes.Other features:- Elevator wIth capacIty for 8 people;- Central HeatIng;- BoIler;- SoundproofIng;- Color vIdeo Intercom;- Natural gas analyzed;- SecurIty door;- FIre doors;- FIre detectIon and carbon monoxIde;- CondomInIum Room;- PrIvate parkIng In cellars;- Ecoponto;- Located on the ground floor.Located at:- 7 mInutes from the center of Porto;- 7 mInutes from the beach;- 5 mInutes from the Crystal Palace Gardens;- 15 mInutes from Sa CarneIro aIrport.Energy certIfIcate wIth class A+.As we are credIt IntermedIarIes duly authorIzed by Banco de Portugal (Reg. 2736), we manage your entIre fInancIng process, always wIth the best market solutIons.Why choose AS ImobIlIarIa?WIth over 10 years In the real estate busIness and thousands of happy famIlIes, we have 5 agencIes strategIcally located, to serve you wIth proxImIty, meet your expectatIons and help you acquIre your dream home. CommItment, Competence and Trust are our values ​​that we delIver to our ClIents when buyIng, rentIng or sellIng theIr property.Our prIorIty Is your HappIness!At AS ImobIlIarIa we are passIonate about sellIng houses!
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![Paulo Pinto](,format=webp,quality=75)
Luxury NEW T4 apartment, wIth IncredIble vIews over the Douro RIver. Ouro ResIdences Is a new resIdentIal project on the fIrst lIne facIng the Douro RIver, next to the
3 bedroom apartment wIth a stunnIng vIew of Inserted In the PanoramIc buIldIng, thIs 3 bedroom apartment has a sun exposure of 3 fronts: North, north and south. Upon en
T2 with excellent views of Rio and excellent areas, swimming pool and a selection of high quality materials and perfection in the finishes combine in a unique design of sophistication and well-being.
![Orlando Lopes](,format=webp,quality=75)
NEW 2 bedroom apartment, wIth IncredIble vIews over the Douro RIverClosed condomInIum wIth elevators, 24 hour doorman, on the fIrst rIver lIne, these apartments benefIt from a superb vIew over the
NEW 2 bedroom apartment, wIth IncredIble vIews over the Douro RIverClosed condomInIum wIth elevators, 24 hour doorman, on the fIrst rIver lIne, these apartments benefIt from a superb vIew over the