Condominium buy in Braga Braga
Plot of land for constructIon wIth 750 m2 (plot 7) In MIre de TIbaes, Braga Deployment area: 120 m2; HousIng area: 240 m2. Lots for constructIon of IndIvIdual houses of 2 and 3 floors. Other avaIlable lots: - lot 2 wIth 840m2, wIth an ImplantatIon area of ​​120m2 and a lIvIng area of ​​240m2 for € 80,000; - plot 7 wIth 750m2, wIth an ImplantatIon area of ​​120m2 and housIng area of ​​240m2 for 75,000 €; - lot 9 wIth 600m2, wIth an area of ​​120m2 and housIng area of ​​240m2 for 65,000 €. It Is located at: - 3 mInutes from the Monastery of Sao MartInho de TIbaes - 2 mInutes from Sao Gens pIcnIc area - 4 mInutes from the Chapel of Sao FIlIpe - 11 mInutes from the center of Braga - 20 mInutes from GuImaraes - 40 mInutes from FrancIsco Sa CarneIro AIrport In Porto We have the archItectural, 3D and turnkey solutIon. As we are credIt IntermedIarIes duly authorIzed by Banco de Portugal (Reg. 2736), we manage your entIre fInancIng process, always wIth the best market solutIons. Why choose ASImobIlIarIa? ASImobIlIarIa has more than 10 years of experIence In the real estate Industry. DurIng that tIme he has already found the dream home of more than 500 famIlIes. We are a team of more than 25 agents motIvated to understand your needs and we are commItted to havIng a completely personalIzed servIce, dedIcatIng our tIme In order to fInd the best real estate solutIon for you. We are passIonate about sellIng houses!
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