16 listings
This unique bathroom apartment has been meticulously renovated and shows off amazing interior and is very bright. The chandelier in living room does make a ideal feature in here and they are othe
Experience the perfect blend of classic charm and modern elegance in this beautifully presented two-bedroom apartment located in the picturesque Gloucester Mews. Spanning a generous 841.52 sq ft, this
Nestled in the heart of Lancaster Gate, this expansive apartment is a rare gem in the prestigious Blenheim Court. Spanning 3,196 sq.ft (almost 300 sq.m) and occupying the fourth floor of a magnificent
出售价格 - 非常适合首次购房者或投资者 - 租赁剩余 115 美元,地租和服务费,每月 72 英镑 - 开放式休息室和设备齐全的厨房 - 阳台 - 受欢迎的位置 - 靠近当地设施 - 优越的交通和道路连接 - 双人间玻璃和中央供暖 - 建议查看 - 立即购买并保护它 提供选项 Springbok Properties 很高兴将一间卧室的公寓推向市场,该公寓位于伦敦森林门的热门地区,
This lovely apartment has much to offer. Located in Camden Town, it boasts two bedrooms, a lounge/diner and a fitted kitchen. It also offers excellent travel links in the area. This apartment home is
价格极具吸引力 - *伦敦市中心位置* - 现代三层公寓 - 完美呈现 - 三间卧室 - 宽敞的开放式休息室和餐厅 - 现代厨房 - 步行至摄政公园 - 距离马里波恩火车站不到 10 分钟步行路程 -双层玻璃窗和中央供暖 - 建议观看 - 无 Onward Chain 我们很高兴将这套令人印象深刻的三居室三层公寓推向市场,该公寓完美无瑕地呈现在伦敦市中心一个备受追捧的位置。这家酒店距离众多商店、学