6 listings
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Bungalows have long been highly desirable properties that hold or, indeed, increase their value easily. As a result, this wonderful detached single-storey property will attract a great deal of buyer i
This 3-bedroom property would be an ideal investment or project. The property itself offers excellent living arrangements with a spacious lounge room, a fitted kitchen and 3 generously sized bedrooms.
This property is located in Stockport and is an ideal opportunity for buyers who are in a position to buy fairly quickly.This terraced home is located in Stockport with close proximity to a range of a
With no modernisation required, this attractive home will provide a huge range of benefits to its new owners. These include its friendly surrounding neighbourhood, as well as 2 beautifully finished be
价格诱人 - 首次购房者或投资者 - 三间卧室,半独立式住宅 - 楼下卫生间 - 越野停车场,车道/车库 - 凸窗 - 双层玻璃和中央供暖 - 设备齐全的厨房 - 靠近当地设施 - 优秀的道路和交通链接 - 查看强烈推荐 Springbok Properties 很高兴将这套位于丹顿的三居室半独立式住宅推向市场,靠近各种当地设施、学校、购物设施、餐饮场所和曼彻斯特皇家医院。该地区还与附近的 Red