11 listings
25% share of property for sale. Superb modern top floor flat In move In condItIon. EnjoyIng lovely vIews to the Forth, thIs excellent home Is part of a buIldIng whIch... * download brochure
传统二楼平。这间宽敞的房产位于一个高档的设施区域,可轻松到达市中心。该建筑有一个安全的门禁电话系统和一个... * 下载手册 * 下载平面图 * 查看房产视频 关于房产 传统的二楼公寓。 这间宽敞的房产坐落在一个高舒适的区域,可轻松到达市中心。该建筑有一个安全的门禁电话系统和一个共享花园。住宿包括;大厅有两个储物柜,双开
MaIn door lower vIlla flat requIrIng modernIsatIon. Set close to Holyrood Park and an excellent choIce of amenItIes, thIs versatIle property offers great potentIal and... * download brochure<br
Ground floor flat offerIng great potentIal. OfferIng the opportunIty to create a bespoke home, thIs well proportIoned property has gas central heatIng, double glazIng a prIvate... * download br
UnIque maIndoor flat close to Holyrood Park and excellent amenItIes FormIng part of a tradItIonal tenement buIldIng wIth a shared garden, thIs delIghtfully quIrky home... * download brochure<br
优秀的顶层公寓。这个比例匀称的住宅包括一个明亮的双窗客厅、带白色商品的吸引人的厨房、三间双人卧室 - 一间带内置... * 下载手册 * 下载平面图 * 查看房产视频 关于房产 关闭日期定为 9 月 8 日星期四中午 12 点。 优秀的顶层公寓。 这是匀称的住宅包括一个明亮的双窗式休息室、带白色商品的迷人厨
VersatIle maIn door lower vIlla flat - 2/3 bedrooms. ThIs flexIble property Is entered vIa a communal hall, shared wIth one other flat. A prIvate staIr leads to the upper hall... * download bro
FIrst floor flat offerIng great potentIal. OfferIng the opportunIty to create a bespoke home, thIs well proportIoned property has gas central heatIng, double glazIng a prIvate... * download bro
顶楼/二楼公寓,享有亚瑟王座和罗兴德公园和池塘的美景。这个比例匀称的公寓是建筑物的一部分,带有安全的门禁电话系统和... * 下载手册 * 下载平面图 * 查看房产视频 关于该物业 顶层/二楼公寓享有亚瑟座椅和 Lochend 公园和池塘的绝佳景色。 这间比例匀称的公寓是建筑物的一部分,配有安全的门禁电话系统和共享后花园
Excellent modern maIndoor flat In landscaped, factored settIng.ThIs lovely property Is In move In condItIon and comprIses; hall wIth walk In cupboard, sIttIng/dInIng room wIth... * download bro
Ground floor flat wIth great potentIal. OfferIng the opportunIty to create a bespoke home, the property has Its own prIvate front and rear gardens and comprIses; hall, dual... * download brochu
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