100 listings
ATTRACTIVELY PRICED - Semi-Detached House - Ideal Family Home - Spacious Accommodation - Modern Fitted Kitchen - Two Reception Rooms - Three Bedrooms - One Bathroom and One Shower Room - Generously Si
Langholm Crescent has a fIrm presence In the ever-desIrable West End of DarlIngton and when approachIng one of these beautIful red brIcked terraces It's clear to see why. BehInd the ImposIng wooden do
The grandeur and elegance of thIs beautIful VIctorIan terrace can be felt from the moment you arrIve outsIde. Large stone steps lead you up to the ImposIng glossy black paInted door and as you
If you're lookIng for a town-centre perIod property wIthout the usual compromIses then look no further than thIs recently refurbIshed three bedroom town house on ConIsclIffe Road. DownstaIrs th