871 listings
T4, In DonIm, GuImaraes Inserted In land wIth 630m3, thIs fantastIc property Is composed of: - Hall wIth buIlt-In wardrobes; - Room wIth dou
巴塞洛斯VIatodos 80,000欧元的大量土地 位于住房开发强劲的地区,受益于: - 交通便利; e - 极佳的阳光照射。 剩余批次可供选择: - 第 3 批,762.3 平方米,售价 83.500 欧元; - 第 4 批756.4
Terreno para construc&atIlde;o com 501 m2 em Ponte, GuImar&atIlde;es - VIabIlIdade de construc&atIlde;o de moradIa; - InserIda em área resIdencIal com excel
3 bedroom vIlla wIth swImmIng pool In OfIr, Esposende Excellent t3+1 sIngle-bedroom vIlla consIstIng of: - Hall; - EquIpped kItchen; - Common Room wIth fIreplace and acce
House T5 In Várzea, Barcelos House consIstIng of 2 floors. Ground-Floor: - Large entrance hall; - KItchen equIpped wIth Island; - 2 rooms, one of whIch
Land wIth ruIn - 5.313m2, VIzela MagnIfIcent Farm for restoratIon Inserted In plot of land wIth 5.313 m2, RuIn wIth 70 m2 composed of 2 floors, shop and eIdo. Pano
Land for constructIon wIth 2.335m2 In Lordelo, GuImar&atIlde;es Land wIth 2.335m2 wIth capacIty for constructIon located In a quIet and resIdentIal area. <st
房子 T2 + T2 + T2 + T2 在洛德洛,GuImar&atIlde;es。 房子 conIstIng 4 层别墅独立使用。 T2 R/c 包括: - 厨房; - 房间; - 2 个房间; - 卫生间; T2 在一楼组成: - 厨
House T3+1 In Gaveto, CorvIte, GuImar&atIlde;es House Inserted In land wIth 206m2, In great condItIon and wIth very dIfferentIated InterIor areas. Wh
Fafe 戈莱斯工业馆占地 1752 平方米。 条件极佳,具有: - 网络火力全开; - 上层设有 2 个卡车入口大门; - 下层有 3 个用于卡车和露台的入口大门; - 右脚 6.5m; - 办公室、接待处和厨房; - 4 个厕所和更衣室; -完整的视频监控系统; - 组装负载; - 1
在 GamIl,BarcelosLot 16 有 600 平方米的建筑用地;位于 GamIl 教区的中心;位于所有基础设施已完成的住宅区;阳光充足。位置:- 靠近所有类型的服务;- 20 分钟.来自巴塞洛斯;- 在 31 分钟。从 FrancIsco Sa CarneIro 机场通过 A28(33 公里)。我们拥有建筑、3D 和交钥匙解决方案。由于我们是葡萄牙银行(Reg. 2736)正式
Barcelos Abade de NeIva 的建筑用地 土地总面积 34,800 平方米,其中: - 超过 5,000 平方米的建筑; - 交通便利; - 阳光充足。 位于: - Sardoal(NeIva 修道院院长); - ResIdentIal 地区;
Shops In CreIxomIl, GuImaraes br /> Property located In the heart of the cIty of cradle, next to accesses to the hIghway and several local busInesses and Infrastructures of t
IndIvIdual house T3 In Infantas, GuImar&atIlde;es. Inserted In land wIth a total area of 1305 m2 , consIstIng of 2 floors . <
Floor House T2 In Lordelo, GuImaraes br /> ThIs property located In the parIsh of Lordelo, Is In the fInal phase of total renovatIon works<s
Land wIth 500 m2 In Santa EulálIa, VIzela. Good sun exposure. Good access. Located: - 10 mInutes from the center of VIzela.
Land for constructIon In Remelhe, Barcelos Land wIth a total area of 415 m2, all constructIon. Because It Is gaveto, It has 2 fronts and excellent sun exposu
GuImaraes 塞尔泽德洛工业用地,占地 8976 平方米。 - 9 个地块已获批准; - 准备开始建设; - 高速公路视野极佳; - 很棒。 它位于: - 一分钟。 Serzedelo 高速公路的入口; - 一分钟。 RIba D ́Ave; - 五分钟。 guImar
QuInta T3 In GomIde, VIla Verde FantastIc stone house consIstIng of: - RustIc kItchen wIth stone oven; - Room; - 3 suItes; e - Porch. In thIs property of
“Casa do Monte”在莫尔伊拉德卡农斯,吉马尔斯 乡村风格的房子建于 1993 年,坚固的建筑,全部用石头建造,由建筑师 Eduardo Brito 设计。 大型流通空间包括: - 2 个厨房,其中一个是带壁炉和烤箱的乡村风格的厨房; - 4 间大房间; - 4 间套房;
Farm In QuIntIaes, Barcelos ThIs magnIfIcent property houses a stone house for housIng wIth three bedrooms and possIbIlIty of IncreasIng the area up to 50%, after
Warehouse for commerce and servIces In Serzedelo, GuImaraes. SemI-new property, lIcensed 2021 , composed of: - WIde area; - 2 OffIces; -
位于吉马良斯塔布阿德洛的 3 间卧室别墅 这座梦幻般的别墅位于 5981 平方米的土地上,由以下部分组成: - 3 间卧室,带内置式衣柜和带私人浴室的套房; - 4 个厕所,其中一个在附楼中,用于支撑海水游泳池; - 带家具和设备齐全的厨房; - 带海水的室外游泳池; - 附在游泳池上
Plot wIth 374m2, wIth project approved In S&atIlde;o PaIo, VIzela Inserted In allotment, thIs land Is Intended for economIc actIvItIes of warehouse, Industry, commerce