5 listings
在 Moshav Dishon 出售一处房产 M.A. Mevoot Hermon 🔹️地块面积约1.2德南 🔹️建成249平方米,6间房。 🔹️额外房屋和四个住宿单元的建筑权。 🔹️ 20公顷农业种植桃油桃和梨。 价格:4,500,000 ₪ 物业编号 30020 详情:054-594-0340 房地产和抵押贷款咨询中心 - 房地产加利利戈兰 殖民地之门,罗什皮纳
For sale villa with accommodation units In the communal settlement - Sling Alon (Northern Golan Heights) ▪️The area of the plot is about one hectare,. ▪️Built 218 sqm, total of 7 rooms. ▪️4 toilets,
Dreaming of a house in a kibbutz? But a real kibbutz, with a dining room, chirping birds, community activities and quality education... a safe place to raise your children and give them independence,
出售 Moshav Elifelet 的别墅 M.A. Mevoot Hermon ▪️地块面积约500平方米。 ▪️一层约175平方米。 ▪️5 间客房,包括一间带浴室的主卧室。 所有房间都有空调,大而整洁的厨房。 宽敞的庭院,维护良好的花园,私人停车场 价格:3,250,000 新谢克尔
For sale a villa in the community settlement of Bnei Yehuda Southern Golan Heights Built about 130 on one level - 5 rooms, A storage room is built in the yard about 10 square meters. Air conditioners