1260 listings
For Sale Agricultural Land in Chrysochou for €250,000 Land for sale - 5352sq.m. near the municipality of Polis Chrysochous.In a beautiful natural environment.The land is adjacent to a mai
Located right on the beach with road access to one end and beach access at the other this is a great opportunity for a luxury home, homes or touristic project. Literally a 2 minute drive to Latchi por
The AreaAyia Marina is a village located in the Paphos District of Cyprus, in the Tylliria region. The PlotAgia Marina plot 396 is a 1085 sqm plot with a 90% building coefficient that allows you to bu
For Sale Residential Land in Pomos for €220,000 This privileged residential piece of land is located in the prime area of Pomos and near Pachyammos.Overlooking the port of Pomos and offer
出售佩里斯特罗纳 (pafou) 的住宅用地,售价为 €90,000 744 平方米的住宅区,拥有规划许可(已过期)和现成的房屋建筑计划。位于佩里斯特罗纳村的边缘, 附近有开阔的乡村。-机场:30 分钟车程-海滩:15 分钟-高尔夫球场:30 分钟-驾车可欣赏山景-地契可用_城镇:15 分钟车程-规划区:H2-建筑密度:90% -覆盖率:50%-最大楼层数:21-最大高度
Land for sale in Steni - Paphos.Planning zone - ?3 (agricultural), building density - 10%, covered area - 10%, floors - 2, height - 8,3m.The total area of the land is 14 716 sq.m.The title deed is ava
Plot for sale in Kato Pyrgos, Nicosia.Total area of the plot is 5 352 sq.m.It falls within residential zone ?2?.
Plot for sale in Paphos, Lysos.Planning zone - Γ3 (agricultural), building density - 10%, covered area - 10%, floors - 2, height - 8,3m.Total area of the plot is 2 500 sq.m.It has an regular shape and
For Sale Agricultural Land in Neo Chorio for €1,200,000 This land comprises of 6 fields and a 14/15 share of a seventh field in Neo Chorio, Paphos.It has an area of 187,319sqm (164,219sqm
出售 Pomos 住宅用地,价格为 €56,000 可供出售的是住宅用地的 1/3 份额,该住宅用地面积约为 884 平方米。在帕福斯区 Pomos 社区。它的形状不规则,地表平坦。它毗邻沿其北部边界的一条公共注册道路,正面约10米。此外,该物业享有周边地区和大海的景致。该物业有分销协议,待售份额对应于该地块的东部空地。 不适用增值税
For Sale Residential Land in Pomos for €135,000 Agricultural land of 3210q.m. for sale in Pomos. It falls within ?3 zone, with 10% building density, 10% coverage ratio, with allowance of
For Sale Residential Land in Argaka for €632,000 Sea and mountain views 4999sq.m. in touristic zone, land for sale, located in Argaka Village. It falls within T3β zone, with 30% building
尼科西亚 - Pigenia 待售土地。总面积为 920 平方米。规划区 - H3(住宅),建筑密度 - 60%,覆盖面积 - 35%,楼层 - 2,高度 - 8,3m。产权契据可用。价格需缴纳增值税。
在帕福斯,Choli 出售地块。规划区 - Γ3(农业),建筑密度 - 10%,覆盖面积 - 10%,楼层 - 2,高度 - 8,3m。地块总面积为 5 184 平方米。该地块具有平坦的表面和不规则的形状。可用的地契。
For Sale Industrial Land in Lysos for €280,000 The plot is located on a hill in the village of Lysos two minutes walking from the center.It has unobstructed views to Akamas peninsula and
Plot for sale in Neo Chorio, Pafos.Planning zone - ??3 & ??1 (tourist & protection). Tourist zone: building density - 25%, covered area - 25%, floors - 1, height - 5 m.Protection zone: building densit
Sea and Valley view plot with TITLE DEEDS Located in the quiet village of Choili with magnificent views of the valley and the sea. Here the Sun makes a circle from sunrise to sunset, and fro
Large Sea View Plot with 2 bedroom house with TITLE DEEDS This large plot of almost 1800m is located right in the center of Simou village with unobstructed views of the sea, the dam and the
For Sale Residential Land in Argaka for €271,000 This asset is a 3043/6002 share of a field in Argaka, Paphos. The asset has an area of c. 3,043sqm (3043/6002 share of 6,002sqm) and benef
For Sale Residential Land in Simou for €100,000 Land for sale in Simou, Paphos at a bargain price!!Only nbsp;1 0.000!!!The size of this property is 5686 and there is a register road.The b
The asset is a field in Kynousa. It is located 130m from the center of the village and 8km from the sea. The field has an area of 2,342sqm. Property Details * For Sale * Property Type: Pl
This plot is located in Argaka, Paphos. It has an area of 2,843sqm and is landlocked (65m west from the nearest registered road). The immediate area consists of several residential devel
a quiet and beautiful area in Peristerona community, Paphos District. It has an irregular, an even surface and about 165 meters frontage on a registered asphalt road. The locality of the
出售 Pomos 住宅用地 €2,000,000 位于 Pomos(帕福斯区)的 13341 平方米土地住宅区 90% H3,建筑密度 60%,覆盖率 35% 和 2 层津贴高达 8.3m高度。Z1 区域 10%,建筑密度为 0.6%,覆盖率为 0.6%,2 层允许高达 8.3m 的高度。理想的投资机会!享有森林、山脉和大海的壮丽景色。 有通道到主要道路、电