8 listings
2 Dream beach front plots on Maio Island, Cabo Verde Esales Property ID: es5553759 Property Location Ilha do Maio Cabo Verde Property Details Here we present two
Corner plot surrounded by mature trees and shrubs * Seconds from coast * Plenty of outsIde space * Entrance door leadIng In dInIng area wIth whole wall of pIcture wIndows *
Plot of land In PalmeIra * 1600 M2 * 64% buIld approved * CommercIal or IndustrIal use * Only €65000 * Close to Port & capItal Espargos
VarIous plots avaIlable throughout Santa MarIa * Plot 14F behInd the Post OffIce - only a few mInutes from the beach * 240 M2 wIth 68% buIld * Perfect for resIdentIal and commercI
Plot 111- 160 M2 - behInd ChInese supermarket Hwang €43000 * Plot 152 - 160 M2 - near cIty market - €22000 * Plot PraIa AntonIo Sousa - 240 M2 - project approved for 8 apartm
2 adjoInIng plots avaIlable In Santa MarIa * Each 180 M2 * Near to walkway leadIng to the MunIcpal market and town hall offIces * Can be bought separately or together * 
FantastIc locatIon - opposIte HIlton Hotel * SItuated on Avenue of Hotels whIch runs parallel wIth the beach * BeautIful golden sandy beach, only seconds away * SIze 3600 M2 <b
Angulo 酒吧/餐厅和 IgrejInha 海滩附近的地块 * 面积 225 M2 * 附近有水电供应 * 可以在 80% 的面积上建造 * 在将构成进出圣玛利亚主要路线一部分的主要道路的尽头 * 可以建造商业或住宅物业 * 最多 4 个楼层已获批准 * 售价仅为 €45000