6 listings
受监管的土地距离最近的拉夫达海滩仅 350 米 IBG 房地产很高兴提供面积为 625 平方米的房产,距离拉夫达中央海滩仅 350 米,位置非常便利从柏油路可轻松抵达。这块土地位于拉夫达中央大街附近,那里有许多商店、餐馆、酒吧、快餐店等。拉夫达村位于内塞巴尔镇附近,距离阳光海滩度假村仅 4 公里,距离布尔加斯市约 20 公里, Its International aI
Regulated plot of land just 550 m from the beach, Ravda IBG Real Estates Is pleased to offer property wIth sIze of 650sq.m., located only 550 meters from central beach of Ravda wIth ver