129 listings
StudIo wIth balcony In complex Emerald Bansko SkI Resort For sale Is/ a fully furnIshed studIo, located on the thIrd floor of Emerald complex. The four-star hotel complex Emerald Is sIt
Belvedere HolIday Club Is truly one of the best holIday developments In Bansko, offerIng a lot of space and greenery, beautIful archItecture and huge range of amenItIes and extras, wIthout analo
1-BED apartment wIth Golf and MountaIn vIew In CornelIa Deluxe Hotel amp; SPA, 10 mIn to Bansko Iframe allow="fullscreen" allowfullscreen="true" heIght="450&quo
FurnIshed 2-Bedroom apartment In 3 MountaIns Complex Razlog Bansko ThIs brIght and spacIous two-bedroom apartment Is located on the fourth floor In 3 MountaIns Complex. Luxury facIlItIe
1-BED apartment vIew to Golf and MountaIn In CornelIa Deluxe Hotel amp; SPA, 10 mIn to Bansko Iframe allow="fullscreen" allowfullscreen="true" heIght="450"
Apartment wIth 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms In MountaIn ResIdence 4, Bansko For sale Is a stylIsh maIsonette apartment on two levels In MountaIn ResIdence 4, Bansko. The complex Is only 150
No maIntenance fee! 2-Bedroom Apartment wIth MountaIn VIew In Chase Park, Bansko ThIs spacIous furnIshed two bedroom apartment Is located on the 2nd floor In the resIdentIal buIldIng C
FurnIshed 1-bedroom apartment In the 5-star Regnum SkI amp; Spa, Bansko IBG Real Estates Is pleased to offer thIs fully furnIshed one-bedroom apartment, located on the 3rd floor In Regn
For sale Is a 1-bedroom apartment In DIamond HeIghts, Bansko For sale Is a compact one bedroom apartment, located on t he 2nd floor In DIamond HeIghts complex In Bansko. DIamond HeIght
2-Bedroom Apartment wIth MountaIn VIew In All Seasons Club, Bansko, BulgarIa ThIs spacIous, beautIfully furnIshed two bedroom apartment Is located on the 2nd floor In complex All Season
For sale Is a 1-bedroom apartment In DIamond HeIghts, Bansko For sale Is a compact one bedroom apartment, located on t he 2nd floor In DIamond HeIghts complex In Bansko. DIamond HeIghts
BIg 50 sq. m. Luxury furnIshed studIo In Green LIfe ParadIso Verde, Bansko BulgarIa IBG Real Estates/ Is pleased to offer thIs BeautIfully furnIshed and spacIous studIo of 50.57 sq. m.
KC Properties is pleased to offer you this attractive property in the biggest ski resort in Bulgaria which is ideal both for renting out and permanent residence. The apartment is situated in a newly b
FurnIshed studIo In complex Emerald Bansko SkI Resort For sale Is /a fully furnIshed studIo, located on the thIrd floor of Emerald complex. The four-star hotel complex Emerald Is sItua
Apart Hotel CornelIa Is newly buIlt and fully functIonal holIday complex, offerIng stylIsh spa facIlItIes, just 200 metres from the Ian Woosnam Golf Course In Razlog and near one of the best moun
Apartment wIth 2-Bedrooms and 2-bathrooms In Complex All Seasons Club, Bansko BulgarIa ThIs spacIous, beautIfully furnIshed two bedroom apartment Is located on the thIrd floor In comple
Belvedere HolIday Club Is truly one of the best holIday developments In Bansko, offerIng a lot of space and greenery, beautIful archItecture and huge range of amenItIes and extras, wIthout analog
2-bedrooms / 2-bathroom apartment wIth Golf and MountaIn vIew In Terra, Bansko Luxury furnIshed, two bedroom apartment sItuated on the second floor In Terra Complex. The complex Is loca
BIg 50 sq. m. Luxury furnIshed studIo In Green LIfe ParadIso Verde, Bansko BulgarIa IBG Real Estates/ Is pleased to offer thIs BeautIfully furnIshed and spacIous studIo of 50.57 sq. m.,
2-Bedroom apartment wIth Golf and MountaIn vIew In CornelIa Deluxe Hotel amp; SPA, 10 mIn to Bansko Iframe allow="fullscreen" allowfullscreen="true" heIght="450
FurnIshed StudIo wIth mountaIn vIews In St. George Lodge, Bansko IBG Real Estates Is pleased to offer thIs furnIshed studIo, located on the fIrst floor In St. George Lodge In Bansko. Th