5 listings
This land is at Barrio el Campón, 39318, Polanco, Cantabria. It is a land that has m2 . It has security 24h, industrial area and solar.
This land is at Avenida Cantabria, 39318, Polanco, Cantabria. It is a land that has 17000 m2 of which 5000 m2 are useful . It has solar, buildable, urban, industrial area and land industrial use.
This land is at Calle Ría de Solía, 39610, Astillero, Cantabria. It is a land that has 8900 m2 . Besides, it includes shopping area, polt and industrial area. Find more [hidden]
<![CDATA[En LOCALIA INMOBILIARIA queremos ofrecerte este suelo industrial situado en polígono de Raos, en Santander, Cantabria. Es un terreno asfaltado y vallado con una superficie de 500m² que lin
This land is at Calle Barrio Sierrapando, 39300, Torrelavega, Cantabria. It is a land that has 4500 m2 .