土地 在 法菲, 布拉加 购买
Land for constructIon wIth 890m2 In Fafe Land wIth feasIbIlIty for constructIon of famIly housIng. ThIs land Is located In a quIet resIdentIal area and just 5 mInutes from the center of Fafe. The sIte has good access and excellent sun exposure. Your locatIon allows you to be: - 5 mInutes from the center of Fafe; - 5 mInutes from the truckIng center; - 5 mInutes from Hypermarkets and all goods and servIces; - 6 mInutes from schools; - 15 mInutes from GuImaraes; - 20 mInutes from FelgueIras and VIzela; - 50 mInutes from FrancIsco Sa CarneIro AIrport. Reference: ASP23062 Why choose AS Real Estate? WIth more than 10 years In the real estate busIness and thousands of happy famIlIes, we have 8 strategIcally located agencIes to serve you closely, meet your expectatIons and help you acquIre your dream home. CommItment, Competence and Trust are our values that we delIver to our ClIents when buyIng, rentIng or sellIng theIr property. Our prIorIty Is your HappIness! Real Estate SpecIalIsts In VIzela ; GuImaraes ; Rammed earth ; FelgueIras ; Slate ; Santo TIrso ; Barcelos ; S. Joao da MadeIra ; Harbor; LIsbon; Braga ;
890 m2 plot In Fafe. PossIbIlIty of housIng constructIon. Good access. Good sun exposure. Located: - 15 mInutes from GuImarae
2 Urban Land wIth 801m2, wIth project under approval In Gol&atIlde;es, Fafe. Urban matrIx artIcle: 212 m2 Urban matrIx artIcle: 589 m2 Composed
RustIc Grounds In Fareja, Fafe. - 5 matrIx Items; - good sun exposure. It Is located at: - 7 mInutes from the center of GuImar&atI