土地 在 格洛丽亚, 金塔纳罗奥州 购买
您是否想过生活在天堂里? 您是否曾闭上眼睛,想象进入您的房子,并知道,毫无疑问,这是您的家?现在想象一下,您所想象的一切都被加勒比海的蓝色、沙滩的白色、丛林的绿色和彩虹般的植被所包围,这些将使这个家成为您自己的天堂。 玛雅里维埃拉 位于尤卡坦半岛,全长超过210公里。它位于墨西哥东南部,是该国的主要旅游目的地,也是世界上最重要的旅游目的地之一。 在里维埃拉的中心地带,我们找到了普拉亚德尔卡门 (Playa del Carmen),这座标志性城市曾经是一个渔村,如今已成为该地区发展最快、最有价值的城市之一该国是旅游业的领先者,是艺术和娱乐、美食产业、画廊、娱乐中心和令人印象深刻的房地产开发的发源地。 位置: Ciudad Mayakoba 距坎昆国际机场 30 分钟路程,7 公里。从卡门海滩出发, 设施: 半奥运会 网球场 桨网球场 健身中心 ASOLEADEROS 绿地 自然小径 便利店 屋顶花园 慢跑道 儿童游乐场 儿童俱乐部 熟食店 按摩室 PALAPAS 桌游室 瑜伽台 露台 PLA5182343 服务* 污水* 电力* 路面* 饮用水* 24 小时保安 附加* 健身房* 烧烤* 日光浴室* 保安* 内部土地* 土地周界* 泳池* 乡村风格* 发光* 甲板* 24 小时保安* Seguridad Porteria* Estacionamiento Gratuito* 便利设施
div> Playa del Carmen, one of the destinations with the highest capital gain and growth in Mexico and Latin America. It is located in the state of Quintana Roo, in the Yu
THE MAYAN RIVIERA Located in the Yucatan Peninsula, with more than 210 kms. long in the southeast of Mexico, it is the main tourist destination in the country
THE MAYAN RIVIERA Located in the Yucatan Peninsula, with more than 210 kms. long in the southeast of Mexico, it is the main tourist destination in the country and
THE MAYAN RIVIERA Located in the Yucatan Peninsula, with more than 210 kms. long in the southeast of Mexico, it is the main tourist destination in the country
THE MAYAN RIVIERA Located in the Yucatan Peninsula, with more than 210 kms. long in the southeast of Mexico, it is the main tourist destination in the country
RIVIERA MAYA One of the destinations with the highest surplus value and growth in Mexico and Latin America. It is located in the state of Quintana Roo, on the Yucatan Peninsula on the Caribbean