房子 在 圣斯特凡, 布德瓦 购买
这座宏伟的庄园内有两栋别墅,位于米洛切尔公园 (Miločer Park) 无与伦比的位置,紧邻黑山的重要地标圣斯特凡 (Sveti Stefan)。圣斯特凡半岛酒店 (Hotel peninsula Sveti Stefan) 和米洛切尔别墅酒店 (Villa Miločer) 是豪华连锁酒店安缦 (Aman) 的一部分,该酒店在世界上最豪华的地点运营。该庄园拥有两栋别墅,是米洛切尔公园唯一的私人庄园。这座宏伟的公园是按照皇家标准建造的 - 米洛切尔官邸和公园是南斯拉夫国王亚历山大和王后玛丽亚·卡拉乔杰维奇的皇家夏季庄园。公园占地 18 公顷,种植着来自世界各地的 150 种地中海和亚热带花卉和树木,这使得公园内的空气特别干净、芬芳和健康。 整个建筑群总占地面积 943 平方米,包括 2 栋别墅、水疗中心、游泳池、桑拿浴室、土耳其浴室和带车库的大型辅助建筑。 别墅1号: 底楼设有一间带餐厅和厨房的大客厅。带日光浴床的大型游泳池位于别墅前面的宽敞露台上。楼上设有 4 间卧室、起居区和浴室。 室内装饰由艺术和历史家具收藏家制作,包含在别墅的价格中。独特的室内设计风格浪漫,向巴洛克和浪漫主义历史时期以及珍贵的艺术品致敬。 房屋面积:240平方米 土地:405平方米 卧室:4 浴室:4 附车库:74平方米 别墅2: 这栋别墅设有带餐厅的客厅、厨房、5间卧室和4间浴室。室内设计风格沿袭第一栋别墅。每间客房都独一无二,配有特色家具和艺术品。 房屋面积:245平方米 地块:538平方米 卧室:5间 浴室:4 土地总面积:943平方米 地点 米洛切尔公园、皇家夏宫以及几座供军官和仆人使用的较小别墅建于 1934 年至 1936 年间,位于亚得里亚海两个最美丽的海滩(今天称为女王海滩和国王海滩)周围的地区。第二次世界大战后,该庄园被改造成豪华旅游胜地,与斯维蒂·斯特凡一起,吸引了来自世界各地的数百名名人参观。如今,圣斯特凡酒店 (Hotel Sveti Stefan) 和米洛切尔别墅 (Miločer Villa) 已成为阿曼度假村 (Aman Resort) 的一部分。
This villa for sale is located in village Blizikuce, in Budva municipality. Blizikuce is one of the most beautiful places along Budva riviera and is located in hills above the famous St.Stefan, famous
If you want to enjoy a great ambiance, with a breathtaking view of the open sea, this luxuriously equipped villa is the right choice for you. Located in Reževici, a small and quiet place between Budva

If you want to enjoy a great ambiance, with a breathtaking view of the open sea, this luxuriously equipped villa is the right choice for you. Located in Reževici, a small and quiet place between Budva
If you want to enjoy a great ambiance, with a breathtaking view of the open sea, this luxuriously equipped villa is the right choice for you. Located in Reževici, a small and quiet place between Budva
This luxury newly built villa with an amazing sea view is located in Reževici, a small and quiet place between Budva and Petrovac. The plot measures an area of 500m2, with a spacious pool and modern a
This luxury newly built villa with an amazing sea view is located in Reževici, a small and quiet place between Budva and Petrovac. The plot measures an area of 500m2, with a spacious pool and modern a