房子 在 索韦托, 豪登省 购买
整洁、现代且安全的住宅 所有卧室均配有衣柜和工作站。每间卧室均设有通往阳台的通道,可欣赏索韦托社区和自然美景。 该房产广泛适合草坪,以提供一流、舒适和美观。厨房设施齐全,配有足够的橱柜用于存储空间、炉灶、烤箱和抽油烟机,可满足您的所有烹饪需求。休息室/餐厅很大,配有壁炉,有足够的空间供您在漫长的一天后放松身心。 该房屋全铺瓷砖,易于清洁,并配有 3 间浴室和卫生间,位置便利,位于每两间卧室的中央。这座可爱的住宅也非常适合商业场所,因为它靠近主要道路,从索韦托的各个角度均可轻松到达。 该住宅距离所有便利设施最近,例如著名的维拉卡齐街(Vilakazi 街),那里有您在索韦托梦寐以求的顶级餐厅、银行、SARS、警察局、体育场馆、学校等...... 请致电安排观看。
NEAT AND BEAUTIFUL Interesting entrances to this lovely 3 bedroomed home. The lounge sliding glass door with a trellidor (cozy living area this is) or the warm welcome into your kitchen, which is a dr

GREAT VALUE Welcome to this beautiful family home in a quiet neighbourhood. Space for a starter family and rental income from rooms. This home is very neat and well positioned. The kitchen is fitted

3 BEDROOM HOUSE WITH 3 COTTAGES Beautiful newly painted three bedroom family home. Stands freely in a big yard just under 300m2 with ample parking space and kids playground. Safe and secure with bound