办公室 在 扎卡基, 莱梅索斯 购买
出售扎卡基办公室,售价为 €1,548,190 一栋位于扎卡基利马索尔新区中心的商业建筑。该地区之所以受欢迎,是因为靠近塞浦路斯最大的港口——利马索尔港、购物中心,以及第一个综合赌场的建设——塞浦路斯新濠天地的娱乐综合体,它将向第一批游客敞开大门2023 年。该建筑包括零售空间和办公空间,可欣赏大海和城市的壮丽景色。该结构具有令人印象深刻的现代和优雅的风格,并提供了一个方便的规划解决方案和高品质的完成。地下停车场及邻近区域的大量停车位将为商业中心的游客和员工消除困难。 建筑由6层+地下组成。是注重舒适和豪华设计的商务人士的完美选择. 带顶棚的私人停车场 价格加增值税
For Sale Office in Zakaki for €3,019,815 A commercial building located in the heart of the new district of Limassol, Zakaki. The popularity of this area is due to the proximity of the lar

For Sale Office in Zakaki for €2,873,260 A commercial building located in the heart of the new district of Limassol, Zakaki. The popularity of this area is due to the proximity of the lar

For Sale Office in Zakaki for €2,661,911 A commercial building located in the heart of the new district of Limassol, Zakaki. The popularity of this area is due to the proximity of the lar

For Sale Office in Zakaki for €2,572,435 A commercial building located in the heart of the new district of Limassol, Zakaki. The popularity of this area is due to the proximity of the lar

For Sale Office in Zakaki for €2,541,730 A commercial building located in the heart of the new district of Limassol, Zakaki. The popularity of this area is due to the proximity of the lar

For Sale Office in Zakaki for €2,460,590 A commercial building located in the heart of the new district of Limassol, Zakaki. The popularity of this area is due to the proximity of the lar