房地产 在 巴斯布于克, 伊斯坦布尔 购买
项目信息; 项目面积:14.000 m2 3块 456 个住宅单元 的 地点信息;运输 马尔特佩地铁站 2 公里 乙五公路 2公里 Marmaray Maltepe 5 公里 Avrasya 隧道 16 公里 15 Temmuz Şehitler Köprüsü 17 公里 Sabiha Gökçen 国际机场 24 公里 健康 Süreyya Paşa 胸部疾病医院 3 公里 Kartal Dr. Lütfi Kırdar City Hospital 6 公里 社会的 山城购物中心 4 公里 马尔特佩海滨 4 公里 广场购物中心 5 公里 教育 巴切谢希尔学院 200 m 马尔马拉大学 2 公里 Yeditepe 大学 7 公里 社会设施; 7/24 安全 带王子岛的室外游泳池 健身房 室内外停车场 土耳其浴 桑拿 儿童游乐场
A PREMIUM PROJECT FROM A REPUTABLE DEVELOPER The developer is one of the leading companies in the Turkish real estate sector. It has over 50 years of combined experience in local and international ma

The project is distinguished by its charming and panoramic view of the famous Princess Islands and its proximity to the coast, and for this reason it is considered one of the most important residentia
Dunya Sehir Maltepe, you will find the peace and quiet you are looking for right in the heart of the city, and you will add value to your life with special life concepts designed for you and your fami

This project is located in Kadıköy / Fikirtepe district Asian side of Istanbul, Fikirtepe area is considered as a reconstruction area with new residential buildings and infrastructure which means that