土地 在 科尼亚, 帕福斯 购买
出售 Konia 住宅用地,售价为 €1,250,000 住宅用地位于 Konia, Paphos。这块土地的面积为 7933 平方米。属于 Ka9 住宅区类型。建筑密度为 40%% 并且覆盖率 25%。允许建造最高 10 米高的 2 层楼。全景一览无余的海景 绝佳的投资机会!!建造豪华别墅的理想选择。 Konia 村位于帕福斯以东 3 公里处的西南海岸塞浦路斯,交通便利,靠近帕福斯国际机场和埃利亚高尔夫乡村俱乐部。 Konia 位于海拔 190 米的山丘上,享有帕福斯海岸线的全景。现在可用!!!联系我们了解更多信息!&Omicron 位于科尼亚-帕福斯的住宅地块。&Tau 这片土地的面积为 7933 平方米。 &Epsilon属于Ka9型住宅区。&Eta建筑密度为40%%,覆盖率为25%。&Epsilon允许建造2层,最高10米。&Pi全景不间断海景&Mu绝佳投资机会!!&Iota danish for建筑豪华别墅(梦想家园) 价格加增值税
The property concerns a house and residential land in Konia. The house is built in a land area of 8,919sqm and the adjacent residential field has a land area of 3,679sqm. They are located 600m from th
Residential land located in Konia, Paphos.The size of this land is 7933 square meters.Falls into Ka9 residential zone type.Building density is 40%% and coverage 25%.Permission to build 2 floors with m
For Sale Residential Land in Konia for €1,200,000 A large piece of land 6294 square meters next to Konia village, Paphos.The building ratio is 0.6% and the coverage factor is 0.35%Next to

A large piece of land 6294 square meters next to Konia village, Paphos.The building ratio is 0.6% and the coverage factor is 0.35%Next to the land there are developments with houses and small villas.A
These are four residential plots of 3817 sq.m. for sale in Konia, Pafos. It is in zone Ka6a with a building density of 90% and coverage density of 50% with the possibility of building a property with
Title Deed available. Large residential plot for sale at Konia, suitable for developing. Situated in an elevated location with panoramic 180 degrees sea views, this plot has already all the