土地 在 莱德维尔, 科罗拉多州 购买
301 英亩等着您利用您的发展愿景,有超过 2,000 套房屋的潜力,并有供水和下水道。允许使用 85' 结构的差异。 Mt. Massive 和绿松石湖的壮丽景色使这个森林茂密的地区成为开发商的梦想。 Leadville 已成为户外运动爱好者、企业家和寻求更好生活质量的人们的目的地。历史悠久的莱德维尔提供独特的体验以及全年的个性。
Well treed lot easily made open to build your dream mountain get away. Create memories on this .47-acre private parcel located just minutes to downtown Leadville. Outdoor activities are nearby, inclu

Well treed lot easily made open to build your dream mountain get away. Create memories on this .47-acre private parcel located just minutes to downtown Leadville. Outdoor activities are nearby, inclu

Well treed lot easily made open to build your dream mountain get away. Create memories on this .47-acre private parcel located just minutes to downtown Leadville. Outdoor activities are nearby, in
Well treed lot offering plenty of potential. Create memories on this .47-acre private parcel located only minutes from downtown. Outdoor activities nearby, including Turquoise Lake, Mount Massive gol