土地 在 尼科利奇, 蒂瓦特 购买
位于 Prcanj 的这块待售地块享有博卡湾及其周围群山的独特景观。 Prcanj 是科托尔湾沿岸的一个小镇,位于多布罗塔对面,位于穆奥和 斯托利夫之间。小镇的海滨由一长排石头别墅组成,它们美丽的外观统一在一起,并被花园和橄榄园隔开。 由于地理位置优越,Prcanj 气候非常宜人。因此,在 1920 年,通过了一项正式的皇家法令,宣布 Prcanj 为天然气候疗养胜地。 土地面积为 20.472 平方米。 业主拥有建造七座四层楼的建筑许可证。 -卧室别墅(每间400平方米)。未来的别墅坐落在古老橄榄树林的绿地中,将使业主充分享受宁静的环境和海湾的美景。该地点距离被联合国教科文组织列为世界自然和文化遗产保护的科托尔老城仅7公里,距离黑山港超级游艇码头11公里。 距大海400m,非常安静是用户会知道如何欣赏的东西。 另一方面,附近有三个机场 - 蒂瓦特 13 公里、波德戈里察 92 公里和杜布罗夫尼克 49 公里。 乘坐飞机轻松抵达和离开、游艇或汽车均由本网站的良好位置提供。 致电我们或写电子邮件,我们愿意参与为您在亚得里亚海的新房选择合适的土地。 房产特色 * 安静区域 * 海景
This site for sale in Prcanj has an exceptional view of Boka Bay and the mountains that surrounded it. Prcanj is a small town along the Bay of Kotor, opposite Dobrota, and between Muo and Stoli
This site for sale in Prcanj has a beautiful view of Boka Bay and the mountains that surrounded it. Prcanj is a small town along the Bay of Kotor, opposite Dobrota, and between Muo and Stoliv.
This site for sale in Prcanj has a beautiful view of Boka Bay and the mountains that surrounded it. Prcanj is a small town along the Bay of Kotor, opposite Dobrota, and between Muo and Stoliv.
This site for sale in Prcanj has an exceptional view of Boka Bay and the mountains that surrounded it. Prcanj is a small town along the Bay of Kotor, opposite Dobrota, and between Muo and Stoli
This site for sale in Prcanj has an exceptional view of Boka Bay and the mountains that surrounded it. Prcanj is a small town along the Bay of Kotor, opposite Dobrota, and between Muo and Stoli