土地 在 克涅兹拉兹, 科托尔 购买
这块出售的土地拥有美丽的海景,位于科托尔湾的小镇里桑,以其古代遗迹而闻名,尤其是罗马马赛克,这是黑山最古老的考古纪念碑。 里桑距离佩拉斯特仅 5 分钟车程,佩拉斯特是科托尔湾最美丽的城市之一,受联合国教科文组织列为世界文化和自然遗产保护。 我们为您介绍的位于市中心上方山上的绿色植物中,可以欣赏到整个科托尔湾的美丽海景。 土地面积为 47,761 平方米。 该地块是非常适合建造更高级别的旅游村公寓式(P+3+PC - 4层+阁楼),总建筑面积为32.000平方米,净建筑面积为27.000平方米。 有电力、城市供水、自己的泉水和通往该地块的两条道路。 附近有三个机场 - 蒂瓦特 20 公里、波德戈里察 90 公里和杜布罗夫尼克 50 公里,所以由于如此好的位置,该地块的价值该地块及其上的房地产只会随着时间的推移而增长。 距离科托尔老城区仅 15 分钟车程,距离黑山港码头仅 25 分钟车程. 请随时与我们联系以获取更多信息。 房产特色 *优秀 *安静的区域 *海景 * 旅游业 * 城市化
This land for sale with a beautiful sea view is located in Risan, a small town in the Bay of Kotor, well-known for its monuments from the ancient period, especially for Roman mosaics, which are the ol
This land for sale with a beautiful sea view is located in Risan, a small town in the Bay of Kotor, well-known for its monuments from the ancient period, especially for Roman mosaics, which are the ol

This land for sale with a beautiful sea view is located in Risan, in the city that has its origins in the ancient settlement of Rizon in the 3rd century BC, and is the oldest settlement in the Bay of
This land for sale with a beautiful sea view is located in Risan, in the city that has its origins in the ancient settlement of Rizon in the 3rd century BC, and is the oldest settlement in the Bay of