房子 在 维宁斯, 乔治亚州 购买
精美更新和精心维护的私人 2.2 英亩以上的定制住宅。这个低调优雅的家非常适合大型娱乐活动,但非常舒适,非常适合日常生活。它靠近一流的私立和公立学校,位于亚特兰大市区外最负盛名的桑迪斯普林斯庄园区。横梁大房间的大型钢质凸窗墙俯瞰加热/盐水游泳池和足够大的草地,适合各种体育活动。走出客厅的法式门到青石露台和带砖石壁炉和内置烤架的带顶棚的门廊。位于主层的主卧室,带令人惊叹的浴室……Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles 2019 年度浴室 - 定制设计 Galleria 洗手盆/亚麻柜、加热地板、遥控百叶窗、Neolith 台面和淋浴墙。从主卧室到相邻图书馆的私人通道,带有书柜和漆面镶板墙。正式餐厅配有永恒的造型和手绘壁纸。用旧谷仓的木材制成的酒窖。未完成的日光地下室准备完成,如果需要(已经存根洗澡,并有一个砖石壁炉)。众多功能:3 车库可停放电动汽车、充足的存储空间/壁橱、篮球球门、步出式后院完全围栏、2 个用于前后灌溉的水井、地板之间的隔音、高高的天花板、丰富的硬木地板、8英尺的门和套管开口,双楼梯,成熟的树木和郁郁葱葱的景观,带有广泛的景观/月亮照明,鹅卵石内衬的洗涤骨料驱动器和客人停车区。方便前往州际公路、购物场所、餐厅和查斯坦公园! Ref: 37058-128815193
Absolutely stunning newer construction in premier Buckhead location. A short distance from top private schools and Morris Brandon Primary campus, this beautiful home is located on over half an acre,

This executive House of Light and Spiritual Height simply defies a multi-list description. It is 7,000+ sq.ft. of generous, spacious interior rooms (5/4/2) seemingly situated in the middle of a fores

Close-in Vinings at its very best in Brandy Station. This gated, brick and shingle beauty has undergone extensive high-end renovations and is in move-in condition. Beautiful approx. 3/4 acre flat woo

After many years of anchoring the Hollydale cul de sac, this soft contemporary is now available. The architect, Sydney Curtis, designed the home with well defined public areas for cooking, formal ente

* Ref: 37058-129062333

1.3 private acres surround this Southern beauty in a neighborhood with lush green space next to the Chattahoochee river park. This is one of the first properties developed in this great Whitewater Cr