其他 在 惠索恩岛, 邓弗里斯和加洛韦 购买
路线:从市政厅沿着国会街向下的路行驶,可以在右手边的巴克莱银行对面找到该物业,我们的“待售”板很容易识别。 位于黄金地段的看似宽敞的商业单位具有巨大的潜力, 大型商店或办公室,后方是储藏室或车间的理想选择。 前面有很棒的大窗户。 “该物业需要翻新” 该单元可用作零售或办公室(需获得相关规划许可) 该单元受益于一楼的厨房和两个卫生间。 后门到车道和上方两个公寓的单独入口。 一楼公寓有休息室/厨房,双人卧室,浴室, 二楼公寓位于两层楼,休息室,独立厨房,餐厅, 顶楼三间卧室,带浴室。 Bin 商店在后面。 “开发商的绝佳投资机会” 观看次数:严格通过与 Property Wise Limited 预约电话:66 28 20 优惠:严格通过代理,Property Wise Limited 电话:66 28 20 免责声明:虽然所有细节都被认为是正确的,但两者均不正确Property Wise Limited 或其客户保证其准确性,也不打算构成任何合同的一部分。平面图仅用于说明目的,装饰饰面、固定装置、配件和家具不代表物业的当前状态。测量值是近似值,不按比例。
Directions: From Ramsey Town Centre follow the road north towards the Hospital then take the turning on the left onto Jurby Road heading towards Ballaugh, continue on this road until just before th
Directions: Travelling from Ramsey Town Hall towards Laxey on the Coast Road, take the turning onto Ballaragh at the Dhoon Glen, continue up the hill and straight ahead the property can be found on th
Directions: Travelling North along Douglas Promenade, turn left at the Villa Marina onto Broadway. Continue along Broadway for approximately 250 yards taking first left onto Derby Road where the prope
Directions: Travelling from Douglas, at Quarterbridge roundabout follow the signs to the South on the A1. Go straight through the first set of traffic lights (stay in the right hand lane) and turn rig
Directions: Proceed from Parliament Square along the TT course towards the Mountain. Turn right into Barrule Park and take the next left. Number 30 can be found at the end of the Cul-de-sac on the lef
Directions: Directions: travelling along the promenade past Mooragh Park, follow the road around to the left and up the small hill, the entrance to Royal Park can be found on the left hand side, ta