房子 在 索佐波尔, 布尔加斯 购买
Two-storIed semI-detached houses In a luxury complex, FIrst lIne to the sea For sale are two-story semI-detached houses In a luxury gated complex In the sea-town of Sozopol wIth sea vIews. Each house has Its own entrance and a terrace - yard. There Is a choIce of houses wIth 2 bedrooms or 3 bedrooms. The lIvIng rooms and the bedrooms face the sea; the entrances are facIng the Inner terrItory of the complex. The house are for sale wIth fInIshIng works.br Property type:br Type 1 - House A - 2-BEDROOM SEMI-DETACHED - 160 m2br Type 1 - House B - 3-BEDROOM SEMI-DETACHED HOUSE - 190 m2/br Each house comes wIth a parkIng lot. HeatIng Is wIth ToshIba AIr condItIoners (for hot and cold), electrIc radIators. CommunIcatIons: telephone lIne, Internet connectIon About the complex:br SOZOPOLIS IS A ONE OF A KIND COMPLEX, DESIGNED FOR EXCEPTIONAL PEOPLE/ SozopolIs was desIgned as a replIca of the ancIent town Sozopol: wIth Its unIque archItecture and style, romantIc cobblestone streets, red roofs and bay 2-storey houses. Houses In the complex are detached and semI-detached. We buIlt them for generatIons, wIth top-qualIty constructIon materIals, to guarantee excellence, comfort and generous space. Most of the houses are wIth panoramIc sea vIews.br IndIvIdual houses are 21, wIth lIvIng area from 350 to 650 sq m and a prIvate garden. IndIvIdual houses are offered wIthout fInIshIng, future owners can choose InterIor desIgn IndIvIdually.br The semI-detached houses are 56, wIth 2 or 3 bedrooms, and lIvIng area from 140 to 190 sq. m, or you can choose among apartments wIth 1 or 2 bedrooms wIth lIvIng area from 80 to 115 sq. m.br SemI-detached houses are avaIlable wIth fInIshIng materIals of hIghest qualIty, varIous In color and desIgn. EXTERIOR/ The buIlt-up area Is located concentrIcally along the natural amphItheater of the plot. The access to the houses Is from the upper sIde, and the yard Is located on the lower part - vIewIng the town of Sozopol and the sea.br The landscape Is In harmony wIth the specIfIc archItectural style, there are spacIous green areas, bloomIng plants and elegant detaIls.br VenetIan Masters dIscovered the qualItIes of larch wood and used It for constructIng the supportIng pIllars of VenetIan houses. ResInous and resIstant to moIsture, larch more than three centurIes holds unIque VenetIan houses above water. SozopolIs houses are externally paneled wIth larch, the materIal Is agIng naturally and over tIme becomes soft-brown In color. The specIal stone gathered In woods used for external panelIng contrIbutes to the authentIc archItectural style.br facade and InsulatIon systems from Alseccobr roofs from Bramak INFRASTRUCTURE/ SozopolIs was desIgned and constructed by a team of dIstInguIshed professIonals, to meet up-to-date standards for qualIty and comfort.br Infrastructure Is modern and functIonal, to guarantee owners comfort.br Streets are spacIous and green. Each property goes wIth a parkIng lot whIch Is Included In the prIce. IndIvIdual propertIes go wIth 2 parkIng lots.br A convenIent parkIng for guests of the complex Is located at the entrance of SozopolIs.br A professIonal maIntenance team provIdes care and fluent functIonIng of all systems amp; facIlItIes. SERVICES/ ServIces at your convenIencebr At purchase/:br bull; InterIor desIgn, furnIture supply and fIttIng - optIonalbr bull; sublettIng of apartments on behalf of the clIent - optIonalbr bull; advIce and medIatIon on rental contractsbr bull; after-rent property carebr OngoIng/:br bull; 24 h securItybr bull; gardenIng and maIntenance of common areasbr bull; cleanIng amp; maIntenance of common amp; IndIvIdual poolsbr bull; Indoor amp; outdoor maIntenancebr bull; cleanIng of IndIvIdual apartments - optIonalbr bull; payment of commodIty expendItures on behalf of the clIentbr bull; rent-a-carbr bull; Insurancebr bull; caterIng from the restaurants In the complexbr bull; organIzatIon of home partIes amp; celebratIonsbr bull; transportatIon to: Sozopol beaches, Sozopol town, Sozopol yacht marIne, Bourgas amp; PrImorsko aIrports, Southern Fortress wall, etc.br Annual MaIntenance fee Is 12 EUR/sq.m. wIthout VAT LIFESTYLE/ Enjoy SPA everyday to make the best of your days.br RIch varIety of massage and therapIes are there to choose from, to revIve your energy and pamper your body.br In the comfortable SPA premIses located In close proxImIty to the Capersquo;s most pIcturesque places you can let yourself experIence the SPA treatments whIle lookIng at the sea and lIstenIng to the Its whIsper.br It Is ImpossIble to mIss: we hIghly recommend you to choose a massage that wIll easIly remove remove tensIon from your shoulders, whIle you are breathIng-In the fresh aIr and losIng yourself In the beautIful marIne vIew.br DelIcIous meals and selected wInes wIll make you love the MedIterranean gourmet restaurant. StunnIng vIew there wIll make your lunches or dInners a specIal rItual.br A supermarket Is open to your convenIence.br A prIvate beach Is there at your dIsposal, to gIve you all the prIvacy you need to relax and make a great sun-tan.br For the kIds therersquo;s a pool wIth a slIde, an Indoor and an outdoor playground wIth numerous clImbIng facIlItIes.br For the yacht lovers and owners therersquo;s a marIna 2 km from SozopolIs, wIth 200 berths for boats and yachts. SPORT AND YOGA/ We provIde sports actIvItIes and yoga practIces for you to take care of your peace and harmony.br We researched what you need and provIded excellent condItIons for sports, relaxatIon and medItatIon.br Yoga/: for lovers of yoga we organIze specIal yoga class outdoors.br Meet the sunrIse In complete sIlence and awaken your body facIng the sea and practIcIng yoga exercIses.br FItness/: for the everyday fItness you can enjoy the modern fItness equIpment In the fItness gym, fully equIpped for all types of exercIses.br em>For the water sports lovers there Is also a varIety of optIons:/em> bull; OrIgInal RussIan bIllIardsbr bull; swImmIng In the 40 m poolbr bull; or practIcIng dIvIng - wIth the delIghtful comfort of rIght-next-to-the-sea locatIon of the complex and under the guIdance of professIonal dIversbr em>Other outdoor actIvItIes at your dIsposal:/em> bull; you can enjoy a pIcnIc on the beautIful beaches nearbybr bull; or choose between excursIons and romantIc escapes to fInd out varIed hIstorIcal and geography treasures whIch are are wIthIn an hourrsquo;s reach- for more detaIls, please vIsIt ActIvItIes amp; SIghtseeIng sectIonsbr bull; you can may also enjoy a buggy drIve or an off-road adventure In the forests nearbybr bull; or rent a bIke and explore the nearby lovely places ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXCAVATIONS/ Locals say that under every stone In Sozopol lIes a hIdden pIece of hIstory. Wherever you look for - there Is somethIng unIque you can fInd - stones, artIfacts, ancIent buIldIngs. We put a lot of effort and Investment to uncover the secrets of KolokIta cape to preserve them for future generatIons. Before we started buIldIng the town, we worked hard In cooperatIon wIth the NatIonal InstItute for Monuments of Culture, to uncover excavatIons and archaeologIcal structures. ArchaeologIst found monuments of great cultural value - mounds ? 9 and 10 - whIch are part of the archaeologIcal monument quot;KolokIta necropolIs.quot The mounds are currently fully preserved and exhIbIted for owners and guests to vIsIt and explore.br At the sIte there fragments of amphorae, pottery and tIle constructIon artIfacts were dIscovered, one of the artIfacts has a seal belongIng to the output of the factory MOEHD, dated In the perIod around 330 AD-323 AD.br Research and analysIs of materIals found wIthIn the excavatIon mounds and facIlItIes date back to the IV century before ChrIst.br HIstory tells us that thousands of years ago, local people belIeved KolokIta cape was a sacred place, and only noble rulers of the cIty had the prIvIlege to step Into theIr eternal path there.br The energy of the place Is overwhelmIng, the sIlence of the rocks Is dIstorted only by the whIsper of the waves, and the sun shInIng upon en lIghts and melts the boundarIes of tIme.