这间一楼公寓(约 100 平方米)位于美丽的 Sipicciano 村庄的中心。 它由带玄武岩大壁炉的厨房/餐厅、客厅、一间双人卧室和一间较小的卧室,一间带浴缸的浴室。它还有一个大露台,最近经过翻新,俯瞰着乡村。非常适合夏季在户外用餐。 特色、细节和便利设施 * 大露台 * 玄武岩特色壁炉 * 大露台 * 玄武岩特色壁炉
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This attractive apartment (45 sq.m.) is just a few metres from the entrance of the castle, known as the Castle of Balthus, named after the famous artist, who bought the castle in 1970 and lovingly res