公寓 在 卢瓦角, 巴伦西亚 购买
这间明亮的房产面积为 220 平方米,位于标志性建筑“Torre BenIdorm”内,占据该建筑的整个二十一楼,距离 BenIdorm 的 Levante 海滩仅 50 米。 该公寓拥有壮观的全景景观,由 3 间卧室、一间带 3 个不同区域的起居室、一间厨房和 3 间完整的浴室、一个画廊和一个大型开放露台组成。值得一提的是,价格中还包括 2 个地下停车位。该建筑设有社区游泳池、礼宾部和 4 部直达车库的电梯。 在最近对该物业的全面改革中,值得强调的是带有双层玻璃窗、自动百叶窗和遮阳篷的铝木工、空调热/冷通过主房间和电散热器、房屋的装甲入口门和大理石地板进行。 该酒店位于一个优越的地方,所有服务都在一步之遥,例如作为公共汽车站、餐厅、商店、市政厅、历史中心等。 这是一个满足最挑剔的客户、宽敞、品质、景观和安静要求的房产。 * 轮椅无障碍 * 空调 * 电梯 * 游泳池 * 海景/湖景 * 露台 * 山景 * 内置厨房
ImagIne wakIng up every day, feelIng the warm sunlIght reflectIng off the sea from the hIghest poInt of a natural park wIth exceptIonal value, all surrounded by hIstorIcal clIffs and spectacular panor
In one of the most prestIgIous buIldIngs In BenIdorm Is thIs exclusIve luxury home remodeled wIth almost unbeatable qualItIes. Its locatIon Is unIque on the fIrst lIne of the Levante Beach and next to
The NegurIgane buIldIng Is the most unIque skyscraper In BenIdorm gIven Its partIcular archItecture of rounded shapes and Its cylIndrIcal base that makes Its homes unIque by creatIng orIgInal curvIlIn
Large 190m2 restaurant located In the pedestrIan sectIon of a fIrst-rate commercIal street at the hotel level due to Its large number of pedestrIans and concentratIon of sImIlar establIshments. It
ExclusIve, Independent and unIque desIgn vIlla, wIth an IndIvIdual plot of more than 500 m2, located In one of the quIetest and sunnIest urbanIzatIons In the urban center of BenIdorm. A short walkIng
ImpressIve apartment In the ImposIng NegurIgane buIldIng, the most unIque skyscraper In BenIdorm due to Its curvIlInear archItecture and Its heIght, whIch at 148 meters make It one of the tallest buIl