其他 租在 迪拜 杜拜伊
Aeon Trisl 自豪地提供这个带湖景的装修办公空间,可供出租。 物业详情: Jumeirah Lakes Towers X3 Tower 办公空间 装修 湖景 br>租金:82000/- AED 有关详细信息,请联系 0557932913。 Jumeirah Bay X3 位于 Jumeirah Lake Towers (JLT) 是增长最快的自由区,包括住宅区和商业区。一座公园和三个人工设计的湖泊环绕着这座塔。多年来,这种观点增加了对该物业的需求。 Jumeirah Bay X3 由 55 层楼、健身设施、零售店、食品店、咖啡馆和电梯组成。它还包含一个符合高质量标准的安全系统。该建筑的其他特色包括卫星连接和 24 小时礼宾服务。 朱美拉湖塔 (JLT) 是一个由 26 个集群组成的大型开发区。所有的集群都以英文字母命名,从集群 A 到集群 Z,目前有 80 个塔。根据 Bayut 的 2019 年上半年迪拜房地产市场报告,JLT 以其在迪拜其他地区的负担能力而闻名。无论是写字楼、住宅公寓还是商铺,与附近的其他楼宇相比,购买价格更实惠。三个湖泊(名为 Lake Almas West、Lake Almas East 和 JLT Lake)以及该地区周围的一个大公园。 Aeon Trisl Real Estate Broker LLC 是迪拜领先且屡获殊荣的迪拜房地产代理公司。总部位于阿联酋,在全球 4 个国家(阿联酋、巴基斯坦、英国、土耳其)设有 8 个办事处。我们为全球范围内的二级市场和期房市场提供房地产租赁和销售咨询,提供多样化的投资机会和房地产项目组合 有关迪拜房地产趋势和更新:https://www.youtube.com /c/AeonTrislRealEstate
Exclusively listed with Premier Estates. A brand new ultra luxurious whole building in the Burj Downtown District. The building comprises of luxury townhouses, retail shops and apartment
Exclusively listed with Christies International Premier Estates. A brand new ultra-luxurious whole building in the Burj Downtown District. The building comprises luxury townhouses, retail s
Exclusively listed with Premier Estates. A brand new ultra-luxurious full building in the Burj Downtown District. The building comprises of luxury townhouses, retail shops and apartments
Exclusively listed with Premier Estates. A brand new ultra-luxurious whole building in the Burj Downtown District. The building comprises of luxury townhouses, retail shops and apartment
Exclusively listed with Premier Estates. A brand new Ultra-Luxurious Full Building in the Burj Downtown District. The building comprises of luxury townhouses, retail shops and apartments
A fabulous opportunity to purchase a Full Building in the prestigious District One Community with uninterrupted views of the Crystal Lagoon: 162 apartments Superb floor