公寓 在 扎卡基, 莱梅索斯 购买
出售位于 Agios Spiridon 的公寓,价格为 €230,000 位于 Agios Spyridwnas 地区的全新在建 2 居室顶层公寓,带屋顶花园,现已上市出售。公寓位于一栋3层楼的3楼,位于一个非常安静的住宅区,靠近所有便利设施、学校、超市、巴士站等,距离My Mall、New Casino Resort、Lady's mile仅5分钟车程海滩,距利马索尔码头约 7 分钟路程。它有 80 平方米的内部区域加上 20 平方米的阳台和 40 平方米的屋顶花园,视野很好,开放式厨房带客厅和用餐区,主卧室套房,主浴室,储藏室和带顶棚的停车场。现代设计和高品质材料。适合私人使用或投资用途。 烧烤区 带顶棚的私人停车场 餐厅 双层玻璃窗 连接浴室 入口大厅 开放式厨房 价格加增值税 太阳能 存储 电话线 轮椅设施
A contemporary (off plan) tower with unique design situated in a beautiful residential area of Paphos city centre. This modern apartment development comprises 5 storeys with only 4 apartments on each

This newly completed, bijou, 2 tower condominium of 28 sophisticated apartments is situated near the beachfront road of Limassol, opposite the Cyprus Sailing Federation, behind the Limassol Pearl Buil

This newly completed, bijou, 2 tower condominium of 28 sophisticated apartments is situated near the beachfront road of Limassol, opposite the Cyprus Sailing Federation, behind the Limassol Pearl Buil

This newly completed, bijou, 2 tower condominium of 28 sophisticated apartments is situated near the beachfront road of Limassol, opposite the Cyprus Sailing Federation, behind the Limassol Pearl Buil