房子 在 瓦拉蒂耶, 纽约 购买
大师精心打造的洛杉矶艺术和手工艺风格住宅,坐落在占地 16 英亩的私人花园中,风景开阔,树木繁茂,纯粹宁静;发现的绿洲。阳光普照的优雅住宅配有洪都拉斯桃花心木制品和高耸的天花板,从您进入通向所有起居空间的宽敞门厅的那一刻起,您就会感受到温暖和热情。隐藏在门厅旁的令人惊叹的木镶板图书馆配有壁炉和口袋门,非常适合蜷缩起来或进行亲密交谈,可通往酒吧和宏伟的开放式厨房,满足您的所有想象,还有披萨烤箱和壁炉旁的开放式用餐区。梦幻般的客厅配有自己的壁炉,通向一个宽敞的三季门廊,门廊包裹着玻璃,与大自然互动,通向蓝石露台和包裹甲板。门厅旁还有一个私人大厅,带您前往豪华的主套房,配有宽敞的主浴室、私人户外通道以及两间额外的套间卧室。楼下,向户外开放的是一个宏伟的娱乐/起居空间,以及设备齐全的宾客宿舍或带全套浴室和小厨房的私人办公室。该酒店拥有众多户外仙境、高架菜园,供您自己的农场使用。 - 表格创作。此外,还有宽敞的洗衣房、大量的存储空间、可容纳更多存储空间或您的想象力的宽敞阁楼空间,以及两个用于存放汽车、玩具和车间的车库。方便前往餐饮、购物和哈德逊河谷的所有景点。从这个精心设计的温馨温馨的家中创造持久的回忆 参考号:36508-21332825
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With a colorful provenance dating back to the American Revolution and the distinction of housing British General Burgoyne after his defeat at Saratoga, this iconic brick Georgian manor creates a rema
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"Belvedere", a term used in English since the 16th century, derives from two Italian words: bel, which means beautiful and vedere, which means "view". Here is a transformative contemporary by archite
Belvedere, a term used in English since the 16th century, derives from two Italian words: bel, which means beautiful and vedere, which means view. Here is a transformative contemporary by architects