房子 在 彼得罗维奇, 新海尔采格 购买
一个独特的地中海别墅保护区,可欣赏科托尔湾的全景海景和山景。 价格:€2,000,000。 总建筑面积:456 平方米。 净值内部面积:349 平方米。 总地块面积:1,579 平方米(加上共用道路和宾客停车场)。 卧室:4。 浴室(+卫生间) :4(+2 卫生间)。 游泳池:8 x 4.5 平方米。 一个非凡的家。 通过一条安全的私人道路进入,Villa Vela 位于宽敞的 4 卧室现代住宅,拥有豪华的指定内饰、无边泳池和双车库。整个房间均采用高级厨房(Nobilia/Bosch)和浴室配件(V&B、Catalano、HansG)、陶瓷和地板(Florim、Porcelanosa 和天然石材)。起居区和浴室配有地暖、嵌入式空调和天花板通风。 这座僻静的别墅坐落在受联合国教科文组织保护的科托尔湾一个安静、风景如画的角落,提供了完美的避难所,可欣赏群山环绕的壮丽海景。广阔的地中海花园。别墅设计时尚,线条简洁,内部开放宽敞。地中海石灰岩墙壁和特色倾斜的赤陶屋顶瓦片漂浮在落地玻璃窗上方,以最大限度地利用自然光,并一览无余地欣赏海湾、科托尔老城和远处山脉的壮丽景色。 Villa Vela 提供梦想宁静的隐居环境,同时可轻松到达当地海滨村庄码头,距离历史悠久的城墙城市科托尔、黑山港的豪华游艇天堂和蒂瓦特国际机场只有很短的车程。 别墅布局。 一楼:中心的玻璃入口接待处。右侧是高天花板的起居空间、燃木炉灶和可欣赏海湾全景的厨房区、宾客卫生间。左边是大型主卧室和浴室套间,通向甲板和游泳池。 二楼:大型双人间和两间标准卧室,均配有套间、室外露台,可通往带围墙的露台区域和山区野生花园。 室外:无边泳池和淋浴、甲板、石灰石铺砌的露台和烧烤设施、宽敞的野生花园区。
Spectacular golf residences on the Montenegro coast Discover The Peaks, an exclusive new hillside golf neighbourhood. Montenegro’s first 18-hole golf course, designed by Gary Player, will be home

Faboulous villa on private island, Ljuta, Kotor Bay The property is nestled on a small island and it is surrounded by water, the access is possible via footpath. The island is 21.00 x 12.80 m2.
This luxury villa for sale is situated in the village Krasici in Tivat municipality. Krasici is located on the Lustica peninsula, on the southern shore of the Bay of Tivat in the Bay of Kotor.

This luxury villa for sale is situated in the village Krasici in Tivat municipality. Krasici is located on the Lustica peninsula, on the southern shore of the Bay of Tivat in the Bay of Kotor.
This luxury villa for sale is situated in the village Krasici in Tivat municipality. Krasici is located on the Lustica peninsula, on the southern shore of the Bay of Tivat in the Bay of Kotor.

An exceptional Mediterranean villa sanctuary, with panoramic sea and mountain views across Kotor Bay. Price: €2,200,000. Gross Build Area: 479 m2 Net Internal Area: 373 m2<b