房子 在 蒙苏马诺, 托斯卡纳 购买
这座迷人的历史别墅坐落在一座 11 世纪的古老村庄内,将美学与环境尊重和技术相结合,是精心修复的结果。位于瓦尔迪尼耶沃勒 (Valdinievole) 最美丽的山谷中,位于著名的蒙苏姆马诺泰尔梅 (Mounsummano Terme) 中心上方,占据主导地位和全景位置,从所有客房和别墅的花园都可以欣赏到横跨六个托斯卡纳省的美妙景色,直到到达阿贝托内和圣吉米尼亚诺的塔楼。住宅总面积为190平方米,分两层。一楼是主入口、起居室和带厨房的餐厅,可通往花园,洗衣房设有服务浴室和两间带连接浴室的卧室,配有拱门,可欣赏到令人惊叹的全景,还有一间房间仓库有独立入口。一楼有两间带连接浴室的卧室、走廊和带衣柜和连接浴室的主卧室。石材饰面和外露横梁将当地传统与现代技术设备融为一体。该物业由一个 1,300 平方米的美丽封闭式公园组成,分为多个功能区:别墅附近有一个石头铺成的凉亭,非常适合户外晚餐和早餐;多层休闲区铺有木板条,配有按摩浴缸、游泳池和由干石墙保护的绿地,从那里可以欣赏到独特的景色。蒙苏姆马诺山是战略要道,在瓦尔迪涅沃莱上空占据主导地位,至少从十一世纪起就开始加固,防御系统随着时间的推移而增加和扩展,在中世纪晚期包括整个山顶。蒙苏马诺 (Monsummano) 以其珍贵的温泉而闻名,温泉水温热,可以让您享受有益且放松的沐浴。这个休闲场所的独特之处在于“grotta Giusti”,这是一条位于世俗公园中的地下隧道,被朱塞佩·威尔第定义为世界第八大奇迹。蒙苏马诺深受美第奇家族的喜爱,是他们狩猎探险最喜欢的地方,我们今天看到的贵族住宅可以追溯到那个时期。如果您想欣赏整个山谷的景色,必须爬到这里。 参考号:37122-IB124
Splendid luxury stone villas of 850 sqm total, perfectly restored, with 7 hectares land, garden and two panoramic infinity pools, in the heart of the Tuscan hills in Monsummano Terme. Des

Property Details: This property is composed by 2 beautiful villas for a total of more than 1000 sqm, in a park of7 hectars of lawn, wood and olive trees: the location is very quite and panorami
Tuscany, Pistoia, Monsummano Terme, Italy See map €6,400,000 PROPERTY TYPE Villa BEDROOMS ×8 BATHROOMS ×7 SIZE 10,764 sq. ft. <
Property Details: Immersa nel verde della Valdinievole, affascinante villa indipendente su quattro lati.finemente restaurata come testimonia l'elegante facciata.L'immobile si estende su 2 livel
Attractive Restored Country House with Pool Near Monsummano Terme, just 10 minutes from the centre of Montecatini Terme, this attractive restored country house is accessed via 3km of paved road

Country House near Montecatini Terme This restored family house and outbuildings, dating from the 13th century, are next to an old Medici residence and hamlet. It is 7 km south-east of Montecat