房子 在 蒙托克, 纽约 购买
由 Anastasia Ratia 于 2018 年设计的令人惊叹的太阳能现代六居室房屋。该物业占地 1.03 英亩,临海面积为 125 英尺,位于沙滩上方的悬崖高度,享有壮丽的海景。交钥匙住宅采用定制材料和系统精心设计和建造。宽敞的公共客厅/餐厅、书房和开放式厨房宽敞且采光充足,朝南。回收的油漆橡木地板营造出乡村氛围。二楼主套房包括大型主浴室和大型步入式衣橱。完成的低层包括剧院、酒柜、游戏室、蒸汽浴室、盐岩桑拿浴室、Barre 工作室和洗衣房。地热和中央空调、辐射热、空气净化系统、城镇供水。在户外,场地以有机景观为特色,设有通往海滩楼梯的秘密通道。带水疗中心的臭氧无边泳池是回收木材日光浴平台的核心。带特斯拉充电器和发电机的两车位车库。 Ref: 37311-879254
New to the market is this spectacular four bedroom, three and a half bath home situated in between Lake Montauk and Montauk Downs State Park Golf Course! This is the perfect home for the golf enthusia
High ranch on 0.97 acre with four bedrooms, two baths, kitchen, living room, work out area, swimming pool (not heated), and wrap around upper decking. Detached one car garage, just about one mile to
Printer Friendly PDF Directions: Travelling through the traffic lights in Parliament Square on the TT Course, continue up the hill for a short distance where the properties can be found on the