房子 在 生力啤酒, 加那利群岛 购买
ThIs Is a mansIon! 5 bedrooms, all wIth en suIte bathrooms, huge lIvIng areas and a separate country kItchen, thIs rural home has been featured In magazInes and UK newspapers because It Is so specIal. The space avaIlable here cannot do It justIce, so If you are lookIng for a substantIal home, make a poInt of havIng a look at thIs; you wIll fall In love at fIrst sIght. HIgh bank valuatIon! AddItIonal Features * Butane Gas * CeIlIng Fans * CeramIc Hob * Completely EquIpped KItchen * Detached VIlla * DIshwasher * FurnIshed * Garage * Garden * Good Road Access * Many SpecIal Features * MIcrowave * Oven * QuIet LocatIon * ResIdentIal LocatIon * Separate DInIng Room * SpacIous AccommodatIon * StylIsh AccommodatIon PotentIal Features * PossIbIlIty Of ExtensIon ExterIor Features * Balcony * Courtyard * Covered Terrace * FruIt Trees * Mature Garden * PrIvate Plunge Pool * Terrace * VarIous Terraces Decor Features * BuIlt to HIgh Standards * FIreplace * FItted Wardrobes * Full Of Character * Open FIreplace Room Features * Breakfast Room * DInIng Room WIth FIreplace * En SuIte Bathroom * LIvIng Room WIth FIreplace * VarIous InterIor PatIos
Beautiful villa in the south of Tenerife which is run as a B&B. The main house has 4 apartments all en-suite, 2 kitchens and lounge area with bar, office and garage and storeroom. There are also 3 bun
EL ROQUE - Private Villa / Boutique Home Stay Rental Opportunity in an exclusive area with 7 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms and panoramic views across Natural Landscapes to the Coast of El Cotillo. Set with

This 5 Bedroom finca for sale in San Isidro Tenerife has just come to the property market. Situated just above the busting town of san Isidro, it's ideally situated for the airport and local towns and

This 5 Bedroom finca for sale in San Isidro Tenerife has just come to the property market. Situated just above the busting town of san Isidro, it's ideally situated for the airport and local towns and
A lovely villa for sale in San Miguel. This picturesque villa in on a plot of 3200m2 with beautiful green areas, fruit trees and a vineyard. The interior is 190me and comprises of 4 bedrooms and 2 bat
CANARIAN FINCA FOR SALE IN TAMAIDE - SAN MIGUEL DE ABONA, TENERIFE Amazing and serene home in San Miguel with magnificent views of the sea and the mountains. Built on a huge parcel of land and s