公寓 在 奥斯多夫, 勃兰登堡州 购买
Steglitz 的公寓 该建筑建于 1969 年,并于 1983 年划分。大楼共有4层,大楼前有一个美丽的花园。停车场位于建筑物的后面,入口直接离开街道。在构成综合体的三座建筑的后面,社区共享一个大花园。大楼配备电梯,入口干净且维护良好。 设备进入公寓时,您会看到一个宽敞的走廊,里面有充足的存储空间,还有一个可以挂外套和包的区域.就在前面,可以找到明亮宽敞的起居区。大窗户通向阳台,您永远不会发现自己缺乏自然光线。客厅宽敞,可容纳用餐区和大型休息区。带大衣柜的睡眠区整齐地隐藏在起居空间之外。厨房明亮而开放,有充足的工作空间和电烤箱。阳台很宽敞,可以看到绿树和下面的花园。还包括一个出租的私人停车位。 该公寓自 2013 年 4 月起出租。 业主以 € 的价格出售与该公寓相关的停车位。 20,000,已经租了 € 70 / 月。 公开下载 平面图 立即咨询 关于 该建筑位于美丽的南部-位于柏林西部的施泰格利茨区。您会在附近的植物园和植物博物馆找到这座城市最美丽、最令人放松的地方之一。最近的交通工具位于 S-Bahn Botanischer Garten。多条巴士路线还通过 188、M48 和 N88 线将您连接到城市。您需要的一切都在 Hindenburgdamm 附近,您会发现 Edeka、Rossmann 和 Apotheke。可以找到各种供应世界各地美食的餐厅,包括苏格兰酒吧、越南外卖和印度餐厅。在 S-Bahn 上几站后,您会发现自己在 Wannsee,这是一个在沙滩和平静的湖泊中游泳的夏日好去处。 物业规范 参考: BB571 每平方米价格:€ 4,040 面积:36.14 平方米 楼层:3 房间:1 浴室:1 阳台:是 类型:公寓 停车:类型:parkingSpace 价格: € 20,000 可用插槽:1 状态:租户 每月租金:360,00 € 建造年份:1969
The building, planned around 1910 by the architect Hermann Buchholz, was created as part of the former "Albrechts-Park residential complex", which was arranged in a U-shape around a small private road

The building, planned around 1910 by the architect Hermann Buchholz, was created as part of the former "Albrechts-Park residential complex", which was arranged in a U-shape around a small private road

2 Bedroom Apartment in Steglitz The property was built in 1907 and the exterior of the building is light and aesthetically pleasing, the facade is decorated with breathtaking details. Each balc

The building, planned around 1910 by the architect Hermann Buchholz, was created as part of the former "Albrechts-Park residential complex", which was arranged in a U-shape around a small private road

The building, planned around 1910 by the architect Hermann Buchholz, was created as part of the former "Albrechts-Park residential complex", which was arranged in a U-shape around a small private road

The building, planned around 1910 by the architect Hermann Buchholz, was created as part of the former "Albrechts-Park residential complex", which was arranged in a U-shape around a small private road