房子 在 霍尔敦, 圣詹姆斯 购买
白金湾位于巴巴多斯独特的白金海岸,是一个备受追捧的豪华开发项目,提供五座完美无暇的海滨别墅,每座别墅均享有世界上最壮丽海景之一的一览无余的美景。别墅地理位置优越,位于岛上最古老的定居点霍尔敦(Holetown)中心,那里有最好的酒店和餐厅,是购物和娱乐的最佳场所,包括附近的 Limegrove 生活方式中心。 从您进入的那一刻起硬木入口门,每栋别墅的迷人美景都会让您兴奋不已。拥有完美景观的入口区,宁静的水上花园区,以及加勒比海在金色沙滩上的直接声音和景色,毫无疑问,您将在这个宁静的避风港感到宾至如归。 白金湾的别墅面积从大约 15,646 到 19, 472 平方英尺不等,海滩临街面积在 118-135 英尺之间。每栋豪华别墅均由三层两层楼阁组成,拥有开放式平面图,室内和室外生活无缝过渡,营造出真正像家一样轻松而时尚的环境。主展馆设有 28 英尺的主要双高接待室。北翼包含主卧室套房,南翼有更多的卧室、厨房和员工宿舍。 每栋别墅令人印象深刻的建筑提供无柱内部所有主要起居区以及六间带连接浴室的卧室均享有空间和不间断的海景。外墙饰有珊瑚石,木瓦屋面饰有铜制雨水制品。内墙采用当地的珊瑚石和彩绘石膏板完成,营造出加勒比奢华的崇高感。主卧套房拥有壮丽的海景、实木地板、配备当地制作的定制硬木橱柜的超大步入式衣橱以及采用高品质大理石饰面的双人套间浴室,让您更加享受。 其他相关这些非凡豪宅的特色包括家庭厨房、员工厨房和杂物间,均采用优质材料在当地手工制作,并配有高规格、完全集成的电器。正式的室内用餐区、户外用餐凉亭和早餐室提供充足的就餐选择。别墅还提供大型户外休闲区,石灰岩地板泳池甲板适合户外用餐、日光浴和娱乐。私人淡水游泳池从 18m 到 20m 不等。 预先批准的底层设计计划提供了一个理想的机会,可以将健身房、娱乐室、酒吧、电影院和额外的存储空间结合起来。 所有别墅预装了指定的闭路电视系统、入侵者报警器、烟雾和热量检测系统以及火灾报警器,让您倍感舒适和安全。 还提供 24/7 礼宾服务。
Located on the exclusive Platinum Coast of Barbados, Platinum Bay is a highly sought-after luxury development offering five immaculate beachfront villas, each with its own uninterrupted view of one of
Located on the exclusive Platinum Coast of Barbados, Platinum Bay is a highly sought-after luxury development offering five immaculate beachfront villas, each with its own uninterrupted view of one of
Located on the exclusive Platinum Coast of Barbados, Platinum Bay is a highly sought-after luxury development offering five immaculate beachfront villas, each with its own uninterrupted view of one of
Located on the exclusive Platinum Coast of Barbados, Platinum Bay is a highly sought-after luxury development offering five immaculate beachfront villas, each with its own uninterrupted view of one of
Sand Dollar is a beautiful 5 bed, 6 bath villa along the fabulous west coast. The property is nestled in a prime location between Sandy Lane and Beachlands to the south and the heart of Holetown to t
Sand Dollar is a beautiful 5 bed, 6 bath villa along the fabulous west coast. The property is nestled in a prime location between Sandy Lane and Beachlands to the south and the heart of Holetown to th