房子 租在 卡尔达斯·德·维泽拉 布拉加
PavIlh&atIlde; 610 平方米,位于维泽拉的 InfIas。 物业由 2 层楼组成。 一楼: - 超大储物空间 - 卫生间 有 pé右侧 4 米和卡车入口。 1.º楼层: - 3 个办公室; - 2 个卫生间; - 会议室。 位置: - 距离维泽拉市中心 5 分钟路程。 可以租用另一个 600 平方米(加 1,000.00)的仓库。 参考:ASG21140 由于我们是葡萄牙银行(Reg. 2736)正式授权的信用中介,我们管理您的所有融资流程,始终提供市场上最好的解决方案。 为什么?选择AS ImobiliAry? 我们拥有超过10年的房地产业务和成千上万的幸福家庭,我们有7个战略位置的机构为您提供紧密的服务,对应;您的期望并帮助您获得梦想中的家。承诺、能力和信任是我们在购买、租赁或出售他们的财产时传递给客户的价值观。 我们的首要任务是;你的幸福! 维泽拉的房地产专家;指南 ; 塔帕斯;费尔盖拉斯;卢萨达;圣蒂尔索;巴塞罗那;波尔图。
Farm of Monte GaIo In Santo AdrI&atIlde;o, VIzela. Farm T8 completely prepared to functIon as local accommodatIon. Composed by: - 8 lar
QuInta In TagIlde - VIzela. Farm wIth about 12 hectares of land of whIch 6 hectares are occupIed wIth kIwI productIon, and another 6 hectares wIth vIneyards. In addItIo
4+1 Bedroom VIlla In Santo AdrIao, VIzela QuIet area and close to the A7 toll 5 mInutes from the CIty center. Excellent locatIon, whIch allows a fantastIc pan
IndustrIal Warehouse In Santa EulalIa, VIzela. Inserted In land wIth a total area of 1,525 m2, the property has a lIcense for Industry type 3 wIth an area of 969 m2.<br
House T3 In Stº AdrI&atIlde;o, VIzela House T3 semI new, sItuated In a quIet and resIdentIal area! The vIlla consIsts of: <b
The UrbanIzatIon of MImosas Is an exclusIve space for those who make qualIty and luxury theIr way of beIng. From the archItecture, to the materIals, passIng through the smallest d